Chapter 6: Crystals Are a Girl's Best Friend

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A/N: This one takes place in episode five. Hopefully this summer I will be able to update this, I already have the next chapter started. I know I'm not great a keeping a schedule but I do appreciate all of you that have stuck with this story and me! I hope you enjoy and please remember to vote and comment.


You, Sara, Rip, and Leonard were around the main console. Two days had passed since Ray, Professor Stein, and Mick were captured and you had yet to make a move to rescue them.

Laying in the doorway to Rip's study, your gaze wasn't focused on anything, your mind drifting to the possible ways to save your teammates as Gideon relayed the information of the Gulag once again.

"Who knows what would happen if Savage found out Stein's Firestorm." Rip trailed off.

"Always Savage with you. You know my partner's in there, too," Leonard said. You hadn't spoken to him since you threatened him after he held his gun to your brother. Seeing him was an entirely different thing. The Waverider was only so big, and with your guilt at letting Mick be captured, you were constantly in the war room bouncing plans off of Rip, Gideon, and Sara.

"And Ray," Sara said. You caught the last second of her rolling her eyes at both of the men's disregard for the billionaire.

Leonard quickly brushed her off. "Yeah, whatever. The point is you didn't help them." He jabbed a finger at Rip, then turned to you, glaring. "And neither did your supposedly telekinetic sister."

Returning his glare, you sat up and loosely crossed your arms over your upright knees. "Like I said, it's none of your business."

He stepped closer to you as if he was trying to intimidate you with the height difference. "It is when commys take my right hand."

"Enough!" Rip shouted. "You know it was never my intention to get them thrown into a Gulag. And besides, Mr. Rory has plenty of experience in prison. I'm sure he's fitting in quite nicely." You smirked as Rip slipped in the dig at Mick to piss Leonard off. His protective older brother side coming to your defense.

"Alright, arguing isn't going to get us anywhere." Sara cut in, walking up to the monitor. "But Rip's right, criminals usually do feel more comfortable in prison. And they know it better than anyone else."

"So let's ask someone who's been in a Soviet prison," you said, pushing off your knees and walking to the console.

"Okay, but who do we ask?" Rip questioned.

"Ever heard of the Bratva?" Sara leaned on the edge of the display table. Leonard sidled up next to her, his excitement evident as he elaborated on the Russian mob.

Of course, he'd know about the Bratva. Money and any means of obtaining it were his specialties, it was his job to know the best in the business.

"Well then, let's go make friends with the natives," you said, making your way to the fabricator to change into your suit.


Sara kicked open the door to the sauna's locker room, punching the first man that charged her and whipping the second with her bo staff.

The stretch-knit leather suit expanded with your fierce movements, the detailing running up your sides and down your outer legs protecting you from your opponents' blows. One guy tried to slash your shoulder with his knife but was stopped by the fabric before you knocked him down with a high kick to the side of his head. Your hair was pulled back in two braids smoothed against your scalp, and the fingerless gloves you wore gave you enough grip to latch onto one of your attacker's hair and throw him into the lockers.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2020 ⏰

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