Chapter 1: Apprehension & Acceptance

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The incessant buzzing noise pierced your eardrums, coaxing you out of your deep slumber. You began to stretch, that is, until the soreness in your side made you stop and remember what had almost happened to you.

Who was that?

Bringing a hand to your aching head, you slowly sat up, not opening your eyes until you were sitting upright and the swaying sensation passed.

Once you were steady, you peeled your eyelids open. The glaring white lights assaulted your optical system causing you to squeeze them shut once more.

How long was I out?

That was one of the questions that stood out among your disoriented thoughts, the other being if you made it onto the ship.

Attempting to open your eyes again, you had less difficulty in keeping your lids separated. Squinting through the blurriness and brightness, you took in your surroundings.

Upon seeing the advanced, mechanical walls and equipment, you knew you had made it. Even though grogginess still consumed you, you had to find Rip.

Dragging your legs over the side of the medical chair, you took a moment to gather your bearings, then ever so carefully stood.

Each movement felt like you were pushing through water. The constant pressure and soreness of your body slowed you to a snail's pace as you shuffled out of the Med-Bay and into the hallway.

As you walked to the control room your eyes adjusted to the lights and your grogginess subsided slightly, enabling you to walk—though a little slower than normal—without stopping to steady yourself.

It's been so long since you saw your brother and have been on his magnificent ship, almost a full year. You couldn't help but wonder what had happened to your elder sibling and your favorite little nephew in that amount of time.

As you approached the entrance to the main room, you overheard multiple people's voices, which was strange since Rip wasn't one to invite guests onto the Waverider unless necessary.

"How come you never told us you had a sister? That's kind of important considering why we're here!" It was a woman's voice you caught first.

Had Rip really never mentioned me?

He was definitely going to get a piece of your mind when you two were alone.

"Am I really not a topic of conversation amongst your friends?" Your voice came out croaky and whispered, but the acoustics of the room carried it to the ears of the other occupants.

Eight heads whipped to see who had spoken and upon noticing you, Rip rushed over and fussed over you like a mother hen.

"(Y/N), you should be resting! The blood loss you sustained was nearly fatal." He tried to put his long arms around you for support, but you pushed him away and spoke, irritation filling each word.

"Yes, 'nearly', which means I'm fine. There's no need to—"

"You must not push yourself. You've been through a great deal." The team stared at the odd display in front of them, never guessing Rip could be this finicky.

"Rip! I'm fine, really!" You gripped his biceps to stop his actions and partially to keep yourself on your feet.

He sighed, defeated and brought you into his arms. "I missed you."

You couldn't help but squeeze him a little tighter. "I missed you, too." Looking past your brother, you noticed how many people were watching your family reunion.

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