The nerd

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Hyper~New story you guys.

Buttercup~Can't you finish at least one story.

Hyper~I made a one-shot, I did finish one story.

Buttercup~Why are you even making a new one.

Hyper~ I've been  wanting to do a story like this one for a while it was inspired by one of my favorite fanfic writers,


Blossom~Yeah I like her stories too!

Hyper~ok, I don't own the Ppgz, Rrbz or any other character in the story. I only own the storie Idea! Btw please follow redsforever13, she makes awesome stories.

Brick's P.O.V 

It been 3 years since my brothers and I stopped being villians. Crime completely stopped so the Powerpuff stopped being heroines. My brother and the Powerpuff were dating each other. Boomer was dating Bubbles or should I say Miyako. Butch was dating Buttercup Aka Kaoru and Blitz was dating Bunny Aka Usa. Everyone thinks that Blossom and I will start dating but I can't stand that Bitch. She a bossy, nerdy and she's my childhood enemy. The other Powerpuff are chill but Blossom just a teacher pet, A total Bitchy nerd.

"Brick, this is school not a chill out spot, get to class" Blossom said.

"Leave me alone, Pinky" I said then I smirked and continued, "If I go back to class I might caught your nerdy  disease"

"Brick you're so immature, I'm going to class at least one of us won't be late and get in trouble"  Blossom sighed and walked to class.

I decided to skip and left the school. I decided to call my girlfriend.

"Hey babe" she said answering the phone.

"Sup I breaking up with you, last night was fun but I've done had better" I said hanging up the phone.

I drove down the street and picked up another girl. She was hot but she look a lot like a slut. We made out for an hour in my car, but then I kicked her out and drove away. She was yelling and screaming but I just laughed and kept driving.

It was almost time for lunch, so I drove back to school. I got there and the bell rang, I walked around the back and flew over the fence.

"Brick, we're not allowed to use our powers in school" Blossom said as she read a book, "By the way the  principle wanted to talk to you about something"

"You told on me for skipping again, didn't you Pinky" I stated glaring at her.

"You shouldn't skip classes Brick" Blossom said, "When you do something wrong there are  alway consequences"

"There wouldn't be if you kept your fuck mouth shut" I said glaring.

"Watch your language Brick, you would've gotten in trouble anyway" Blossom said closing her book and finding somewhere else to read.

I walked inside the school to where my brothers and their girlfriend are sitting. 

"Hey guy, what up" I asked a little grouchy.

"Nothing much, what got you in a bad mood" Blitz asked me back.

"Pinky, got me in trouble again for skipping" I stated, "how can anyone be that bossy"

"After school let all hang out later" Butched said smirking.

I have a bad feeling about this but I didn't have a reason to not go. After lunch ended the principal gave me a long~ass lecture on skipping. Then I went to all my class and slept though them. Finally school was over and I drove home.

"Hey Brick, took you long enough" Butch stated. 

I glared at him the sat on the couch. 

"Hey Brick, wanna make a bet?" Butch stated.

"There no point, I've never lost a bet" I boasted.

"Well then I bet you can't get Blossom to fall for you and date her for 2 weeks" Butch stated.

"No fucking way, Eww that gross me date Pinky" I stated fake vomiting.

"Stop over reacting I stated" Butch stated.

"If you win, you'll get $200 from all of us and do whatever you say for a week" Blitz said.

"However, if you lose you have to pay us $200 dollars each and do whatever we say for a week" Butch stated," Oh and you have until June 21st to do it"

"600 bucks if I win, an angry Blossom and two slaves for a week, deal" I said.

"I don't wanna be apart of this bet" Boomer stated.

"Too late you can't back out now" Blitz said.

"I never said I want to be apart of the bet in the first place" Boomer stated a little upset, "I don't want to be apart of a bet that plays with a girls feeling and  especially not Blossom's feeling" Boomer stated.

"Then you do have to be apart of it but if you tell Blossom about the bet, we'll all kick you ass" I stated.

He nodded and left the room. Talk about a pussy, why would it matter if it's Blossom feeling we're playing with. After  the bets over she going to pretend it never happened and go back to  being my enemy. Plus it just a bet, nothing bad will happen from it.

Hyper~ Hey guys, I just finished taking a "how dirty minded are you test".

Blade~what the result?

Hyper~ My result was bad to tell you the truth, I already knew the result, everyone describes me this way.

Hyper~ My result was bad to tell you the truth, I already knew the result, everyone describes me this way

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Blade~This make no sense, you have a very dirty mind.

Hyper~More like it depends on the  situation, I love laughing at dirty jokes but I wouldn't be the one making them.

Brick~  What kind of situations?!!

Hyper~My Powerpuff ships, and other anime ship such as Nalu, Shirayukixzen and many more anime ships. Mainly fairy tail and Ppgz!

Blossom~Brick never thinks about anyone but himself, I hate that about him.

Brick~ *walks close to Blossom* then why don't you teach me.

Hyper~ Vote, comment and follow me.

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