Snapchat Streaks

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Streaks are just excuses to see bits of your life every day
I'm gonna miss people over the summer no matter what you say
With others, streaks are a way to seem like we've met face to face
Even though we haven't in that case
Summer makes me feel alone
It isolates me from everyone I've ever known
I only see people when I'm in school
So without that, it's not very cool
Streaks are useful in this way
They help me see you every day
When you're missing someone you can just ask,"streak?"
Makes me feel not as weak
Seeing you helps me carry on
Makes me feel like you aren't really gone
Bogo shipda
You leave me in awe
I get lonely in summer. I don't see any of my good friends almost all summer. However sc streaks let me see a bit of them every day. They help me see my friends I've never met before too. Love them all. Bogo shipda. 5-24-17 10:43pm

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