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Malia realizes with a startling revelation that time is truly God's gift to mankind. So many things can happen and so many things can change, and through the God given miracle that is time, her relationship with Phoenix changes. They are no longer strangers, or aquantieces, but friends. 

They talk and they laugh and they spend almost every available moment with each other. Somehow, they've moved on from talking about gateways and the supernatural and the eight years, and have now become normal with each other.

They talk about the smallest, silliest things and the biggest, most important things. Malia's never had this with anyone before. She and Stiles are best friends, yes, but they're not like this. Malia feels like she can tell Phoenix anything, while there are some things she keeps, and plans on keeping, from Stiles. There are some things Stiles cannot know whereas there are some things Phoenix already knows.

It's weird, she thinks. That in this short amount of time he's managed to gain so much of her trust. She, who just about trusts the pack; she, who doesn't even trust herself, trusts the strange boy who invaded her home. 

There's no hiding it. Phoenix Rosary has made quite the impression on Malia Tate.  

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