Chapter 9

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Jormungandr Island
Amaury's POV

We're totaly fucked, a dragon spirit appeared between us and Calder of Nepenthe...seriously who is the jerk to call this island "Nepenthe", anyway, I was ready to fight back when Calder came with back up

"what is that ?"

 "it is I, Deathtrap, first outsider of the Blood Claw clan, my soul was trapped on this wall with my nemesis after a cruel fight and this idiot free me from this prison ! "

 "the text says you'll grant any whish from thos who free you !"

 Deathtrap turned to Calder and laughed diabolically

"you trust my word, I'm the one who wrote these notes, do you really trust a dragon will transform your pitiful human form on a dragon one !"

 "yes and you have to obey me dragon, I'm your master !"

This time, Deathtrap didn't laugh, he looked angrily at Calder of Nepenthe and ripped his head off from his bodie in one claw hit

 "here is your reward to free me moron ! now, i have to kill you all and seek my nemesis to be avenged !"

I heard ,for the last time, the voice and she told me to put the sword on the ground to free her spirit, with classy moves, I put the blades in the rock and a light blue spirit went out of it

"hi Deathtrap, you recognize me !"

 "Zafeera, the Great Huntress of my clan and my murderer !"

"you were the first to murder, you killed my rider !"

 okay, now what can we do ? I never saw a fight against two spirit dragons, they roared and the mountian start to collapse with us Inside


 "not without my son !"

 "Heather, Anya, take all the others to safety, I helped Astrid !"

 Deathtrap woke up an army of dead soldiers and cultist, with my new sword, it was too easy to fight back and we went to the altar, rocks felt from the rooftop and the dragons fight viciously for victory

"hurry up or we will join him in Walhalla !"

 "nearly done, just one more and...done !"

 Astrid took Eryk body on her back and we went to the way out before the mountain crushed us.

Outisde the mountain
Spitfire's POV

I was with Thunderdrop, always surprised by his ability to speake norse, I thought I was the only one to do that

"how can you know you could speak Norse ?"

 "just when I became alpha, Calder was uncouscious I thought he was dead so I called him in Norse !"

 "and from this day, you can speak ?"

 "yes, he told me to never use it on a group, he feared I can be..."

 "not with me my friend, I will protect you !"

 Then two powerful roared came from inside the mountains and I saw it crumbles on its roots

 "our riders are still inside ?"

 I faded, fearing the worst for our human friends, I really don't know how I can do that but I felt some new strength inside me and I used it to late the mountain's own destruction

 "how can you do that Spit ?"

 "cover me, I think we will be under attack soon !"

I saw some kind of skeleton and zombie warriors running towards us, thunderdrop lead the counter stryke and I was thinking about this voice, it was not mine, it was an other one, just like Zafeera, my only friend and mentor on the Blood Claw, the fight was mercyless, these undead warriors were no match for us and after our victory, the JLA went out with Heather and her sister but no sign of Amaury and Astrid, I saw some kind of light bean from the middle of the mountain, inside my head, I heard someone whispers some strange word I reapet exactly like that, I separate the mountain, threw all the rocks at sea, I was exhausted and I fainted before I could see if Amaury and Astrid were alive.

When I woke up, I felt an hand on my neck, I blinked my eyes and saw Amaury, covered in blood but alive

"you're here lad !"

 "yes and don't worry about the blood, it's just zombie's one or cultist, one of them was crushed beneath a falling rock when I ran beside it, Astrid is safe too !"

"and what about Eryk ?"

 When he says nothing, I understood he was not alive

"who killed him ?"

 "the great master of the cult, his head was ripped off by Deathtrap !"

 "what about Astrid ?"

 "she's between misery and anger...what about you, I found you uncouscious here on the beach what happen ?"

 "I think I could answer that !"

 It was the same voice in my head when I use this new strength, a light blue dragon spirit appeared in front of us and I recocgnize her immediately

"Zafeera ?"

"yes Spitfire, I see you've become a great dragoness !"

 "what happen ?"

 "soon after you left the clan, Deathtrap killed your father during a chief meeting, I was the one to go avenge him, I lost the first fight and a human save me, we became friend and he offer me his help, I cast some Frenzy's spell on his sword to grant him new strength in fight but one dark day, Deathtrap ambushed us and he killed my rider, I was blind by my anger, I ambushed him here, in Jormungandr Island and we killed eachother after a big fight !"

 "I...I lost my only friend from my clan, I...I..."

 I began to cry and hide that under my front paws, it was a big shame to cry in front of her, I must be strong

 "I'm not going anywhere, if you remember the law we have Spit, you will know..."

"...that a dragon spirit can't really exist in Midgard, it's a spell !"

"exactely ! I died beneath your feet, on a secret path I blocked and I need you to be in Midgard again !"

 "but you're dead...right ?"

 "yes...unless a friend or family is not agree !"

 I looked at Amaury, he was my friend too and I don't want to loose him or worst, he lost me during that

"is it safe ?"

 "yes, I'm the one to do everything but I jsut need to know what choice Spit will do here !"

 "can...can I come ?"

Zafeera looked at my rider and saw his lost rider's sword on his belt

 "if your Spit's rider, you can come with us !"

 He stood up and we follow Zafeera, she lead us to the only rock remaining on this island and cast out a spell to moved it out, we saw a cave and Zafeera entered first, we followed her until we found a great room, she light it up and I saw two dragon skeletons in the middle, one in good shape and the other in pretty bad one

"I hope you're not the crushed one ?"

 "no Spit, I protected my bones froms destruction of time, now you have to choose, a second life or i'll go to my last place as a spirit !"

 I hate to do such things and Amaury saw that immediately.         

that's the 9th now what Spit will choose for her friend Zafeera ?

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