Chapter 16

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Berk's great hall
Parisa's POV

We just finished dinner and I saw Amaury sighed, lookind at Astrid's team 

"if you do not want me to tell the last part ?"

"no tell them, they seems to forget anything about that !"

"okay, but outside, it will be more clear to them to understand what happen this night."


Amaury went outside the first and we followed Astrid, when we found Amaury, Heather was with him and he lighted a camp fire 

"you can st down, I will pursued this story but I must warn you, this one will be shocking, no harsh words or anything else !"

"yes leader !"

"alright !"

He put some woods on the water and start the last part of this dreadful story.

Outpost's cell
Amaury's POV

"what are you waiting for ? torture him and he will tell to anyone the things you want him to say !"

"torture Johann ? it's no sense, you yell loudly angainst him and he will do anthing ! no need for torture !"

"why ? you killed all Outcast Island inhabitants in one night annd you refuse to torture him ?"

"because it's no use, watch me !"

I walked to him and grabbed him 

"listen to me Johann, you will go on Berk and tell this only at Hiccup, I will attack one day his town, destroying anything on my path and no one will stop me doing that !"

"why...why should I tell that !"

"because he will call the JLA as back up ! that's all so you understand what you have to do Johnann ?"

"yes master Amaury !"

"good, now get the fuck out of here !"

He ran away and I turned back to Iris 

"so what's your plan ?"

"it's simple, I will be not far from Berk, when I saw the JLA came here, I will attack at night and destroy all targets on my way !"

"okay...I got a gift for you !"

Iris gave me a runic stone, I don't know what it can do 

"what is this ?"

"the runic stone of Hyrr, if you said the word on it and holding the stone you will spread fire in front of you !"

"Hyrr ? it's fire in Norse right ?"

"yes !"

"okay...thank you !"

"one more thing before you left...Viggo is mine !"

"alright !"

I left with this stone on my hand and took off with Spitfire.

Berk's great hall
Calder's POV

Hiccup told me to join him at Berk for a huge crisis, Kira and Arvid came to see me before we left and told me 

"with Amaury absent, you are now the third chief of the JLA, you will lead us until Amaury is back with us !"

"okay, thank you for that promotion !"


All team members flied away for Berk, I don't know why Hiccup need us here. The flight was long and silent, we all know what is the crisis here : Amaury. Hiccup seems really worried in the note he sent to us, we have to cool down or kill a good friend. we arrived at Berk when night began, only torches lights the town and a lot of berkians were already asleep. We went to the great hall and we entered, Hiccup and all his friends were here ready to talk 

"glad to see you all here, we need back up, Amaury is ready to attack Berk anytime ! we need plans to stop him !"

"I already told you Hiccup, cut Heather, we got two plans, I cured him or we killed him !"

"no more killing, please !"

"he will not use some mercy on us ! I said, vwe have to..."

The sound of an explosion cut all of us and I know immediately what caused that.

Same island
Amaury's POV

Spit bring me to the docks and I went up, Viggo and Ryker just arrived when I entered the town, I saw Snotlout's hut and throw a grenade on it, it explode immediately and Spit attacked all the town, letting me burst out some huts. Of course, the A team, came to stop me, Gustav in lead 

"you have to stop right now !"

"let see this...hyrr"

A wall of flame appear and burnt most of team member of the A-team, I just have to kill them, the dragon flied to the sky without their dead riders, I just got gustav, Sven, Bucket and Mulch, where is Spitelout ? anyway...I walked to the plaza and found Elryk and some members of the JLA here, Parisa, Ingrid, Tyle, Gilan and Franca 

"stop right there criminnal scum !"

Spit create a wall of fire to cut their path, I blast some houses until Astrid's hut, they cut my way 

"it's done !"

"oh no !"

I took my axe and hit first, Parisa dodge it but not Tyle, but I'm not using the blade, just the other side, the none lethal one, he was knocked out in no time, I used Hyrr to make them go away, only Elryk stayed here 

"you will not have any chance to burst my house !"

"yes I will Elryk stay out of my way !"


I hit him with my protestic hand and put him away from the explosion, the only hut left was Hiccup's one, Valka and Gobber were here to defend it 

"you will not move lad !"

"yes I will !"

I took out my crossbow instead of my axe and shoot on Gobber on the shoulder, Valka took her staff and was ready to fight 

"you shall not path Amaury !"

"I confirm that !"

Hiccup and his gang was around us, even Heather and Dagur 

"you have to stop now !"

"no...I'M NOT !"

I throw the grenade and before anyone can move, Spitfire took me and we flied back to Iris outtpost, the mission is done but when we stopped for a moment, all riders were around us, ready to shoot 

"'s time for a blood rain !"

I yelled and Spit growled before we stryke back.

Sorry for this short chapter but it's only the first part of the attack

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