Chapter 23

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In the Sky
Amaury's POV

Calder just finished his story about these guardians of elements 

"the two only things I know for sure is these : one, only guardians can talk our language and taught it to others dragons and two only friends of the guardians can use his runic stone !"

"what do you mean by that ?"

"Thunderdrop is the guardian of lightning ! I got the runic stone with me !"

"WHAT !"

"yes, Poison trained him when he saw a mark on his forehead !"

"okay !"

"sorry to interrupt guys but...can I talk to Amaury for a moment !"

"of course Astrid !"

Astrid took Calder's place and Heather took hers 

"so, when we arrive at Berk, I must warn you, I was the only one of Berk's team to go for your rescue !"

"the others still hates me ?"

"yes, Snotnout called you a traitor !"

"I will give them a lesson then !"

"a fight ? four against one ? are you out of your mind ?"

"someone here told me I just look like Hiccup, he is the one who got the craziest ideas !

"'re definitely an Haddock ! okay, if you want this fight, take it !"

"thank you Astrid !"

we pursued our flight towards Berk in silence, I was too foucused on my future fight.

Berk's arena
Astrid's POV

After our landing, Amaury went straight to the arena, I walked to the lever but it didn't work 

"I can't open it !"

"let me handle that !"

He put his both hands under the door and opened it...Stoick style, he took off his weapons, sword, crossbow and my runic stone, then he walked to the middle of the arena, Snotlout was mocking him in front of the others until he hit him hard right in the face, he made three turn, his helmet was on ground, Amaury kicked him to make him smack the ground 

"so I'm a traitor ?"

"you hit me lad ?"

"you''re back ?"

"you really think some lousy wild dragons could stopped me ?"

He closed his fist and cracked his shoulders, ready to fight 

"what the...I was gone for trading and I saw that !"

Eret son of Eret, I almost forget him, he joined the team at the arena and said 

"it is really what you're gonna do lad ?"

"you know nothing Eret Eretson ! answered" 

Ruffnut used this commin to hit first, he dodged it quickly and hit back with his knee, Ruffnut dodged but felt down, hitting her brother during that 

"aow, you're really useless Ruff !"


"EYH MUTTONHEADS ! we have someone to kick his ass here ?"

"if you're as good as with Hiccup, I'm more than safe !"

Snotlout ran towards him, I entered followed by Heather but Snotlout finished on his back and he threw it on the map, Tuffnut charged just after, Amaury grabbed him and threw it against her sister, who just stood up, the twins were down, Snotlout was almost out on the map, only stay Fishlegs, shaking from head to feet 

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