Chapter 31

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Near an island
Calder's POV

My plan was perfect, we will "join" Iris's side with Shelby and Lyre, me and my dragon, Thunderdrop, covered up by Moonshine and Prismblast. I was looking to this island when I heard 

"why do I have to work with you ?"

"I'm asking the same thing !"

"will you two shut up, this plan is dangerous for us and Amaury, Iris is capable of anything !"

"I will join you, if you let me take some...things !"

"and what kind of things you need ?" 

"soul, my blade needs it and I missed some guards !"

Shelby was disgusted, not me, I just remembered one of Moonshine's ability, his blade took your soul when he kills you, you became one of his mindless warriors, defending his hive with no way to die, his punition if you attacked the dragons 

"when Amaury left, we will come here, me, Shelby, our dragon and Moonshine...on your human form, I'm sure we have a traitor."

Moonshine took his human form and he mounted with me, ready to execute my plan.

Iris's outpost
Iris's POV

Before we left for my meeting at sea, I told to Amaury and his dragoness to go onward just in case we were ambushed, I talked about my plan with my dad when an hunter came in 

"I told you to let us alone !"

"ma'm some rider want to see you, they said they're from the JLA !"

"they surender ?"

"nope, they join your side !"

"let them enter and get the fuck out."

he hunter came out and we finally met some riders.

Moonshine's POV (soon before they met Iris)

when we arrived at the dock, hunters came to stopped us 

"are you dumb or suicidal ?"

"tell your boss two riders from the JLA want to talk with her !"

"so what ?"

"I'm Moonshine, Calder's brother, Killer of Death, Corrupted by Death, Guardian of Death, Wielder of the Soulshine, and a few other titles, let us pass or you will perished !"

But a young girl and her dragons surprised Calder  

"Blayd ?"

"it''s not what it's look like !"

I jumped from Thunderdrop's back, took the souls of the two hunters their bodies immediately vanished and I pursued this girl, followed by Calder, after a long run, I put her down to the ground and Calder asked her one thing, I put my blade near the dragon's neck 

"it's because of you we lost Amaury ?"

"yes but...she will kill me if..."

"you will have far more worst !"

With one hit, he drained their souls and their body vanished with magic 

"no more traitor !"

"what happen to them ?"

"they are now mine until I decide to unleashed them !"

"okay !"

Shelby found us after that and told us Iris waited us. Soon after that, we arrived on Iris's desk, talking about our work !

Calder's POV

When we arrived, Iris was ready to talked first but before she can began, I was the first one to talk 

"Come on Iris, I said, Your magic is still inferior to mine. Even if you studied all that voodoo junk."

"Calder, Calder, still as cocky as ever, Iris replied with a chuckle."

"Well, maybe cockier than ever, Shelby replied with a chuckle. Iris replied with another chuckle."

Moonshine was angry with that I can understand why but he is not the one to make angry 

"will you all shut their mouth, it's a pretty serious conversation, I got one of the best dragon species with me and two of best riders from the JLA."

"I'm listening !"

"we will help you to take down Viggo, I pursued, in one condition !"

"which one ?"

"you stopped the spells on Amaury and Spitfire and let the JLA at peace !"

"I want you to kill them, same things frome the Berk's and Berserker's one !"

"okay !"

We agreed to the plan and Iris took us on her boat, ready for the fight !

The meeting point
Amaury's POV

Hours passed since we arrived, no signs of the partner of Iris oranything else but Spit saw something far from us 

"we have a problem ?"

"which one ?"

Spit pointed the sky in front of us, I saw a lots of Berserker's, Berk's and Mala's ship, don't know she got some from her island...anyway, the fight will begin soon 

"and look at that ?"

I looked to the west and saw Viggo's ship lead by a Shellfire with a dragon proof boat on its back 

"awesome just a good thing, he never learn or what ?"

"Iris arrive and no sign of her partner !"

"it's a trap, where are the JLA and the rider when you needs it ?"

I mount on Spitfire and wait for the first shot to enter the battle !

first chapter of the battle

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