Chapter 14

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Berk's plaza
Parisa's POV

After this story, night was fallen on Berk and it will be soon dinner time, Hiccup and his gang take us all in the great hall to eat but I got some question in my head for my leader, I sat in the same table as him and I heard 

"are you worried about something Parisa ?"

"hum...yeah but...but I don't know how to..."

"it's alright, I'm back to normal and Iris is long gone now !"

"how can you betray us ?"

"I was forced to do that Parisa, thanks to Heather I'm free now !"

"but Outcast island ?"

"yeah...I know...but it was my mission !"

"wait a minute, asked Hiccup, it was you this..."

"yes, they taunt me first !"

"you have to tell this bud !"

he sighed and say 

"okay !"

He began the next chapter of this dreadful story.

Near Outcast Island
Amaury's POV

I was more than ready to attack Outcast Island, Alvin was the only name on Iris list I can attack with no remorse at all, I landed on the dock and Spit took off immediately after I dismount her, at night, all member of this island are eating of their great hall of some sort so all path were clear, but when I arrived in the great hall one guard took his watch 

"oi, no one enter !"

"I'm Amaury, Hiccup send me here to talk to Alvin !"

"from Berk ? I piss at you you filthy Berkian !"

"what ?"

"yes, I was from Berk before my presence here, your mother was an hamster and your father smelt of elderberries !"

"I will not tell you this twice, open this gate or you will suffer !"

"no, now go away or I'll taunt you a second time !"

I took out my crossbow and shoot him in the head :

"no one taunt me in all my life, now, the door !"

Spitfire was near me, I pointed the door and she blast it in no time 

"what the ?"

"ALARM ! in..."

The one yelling was hit by my axe and Spit burnt the rest, the smell of burning flesh invade all the room 

"the smell is awful but...I want to eat roasted meat now !"

when the fire was out, I pushed a burned corpse and took his seat, I took out a roasted sheep piece and began to eat when I heard 

"remind me why do I keep you here and why I was gentle for you !"

"Alvin, you can train dragon because of me !"

"and...I was your lieutenant for a long time and...and I thought you know !"

"what is that smell !"

"hello lads !"

When they saw me eating in the middle of many burn corpses, they don't knwo what happen 

"are you mad lad, you killed everyone here ?"

"nope, you're still standing ! I'm the only rider to say this can I trust a guy called Alvin the Treacherous ?"

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