Chapter 58 (Part 2)

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_Chapter 58-2~ Moving_

"Man have I missed this city! Ah, it's so nostalgic!" Masumi exclaimed, gawking at everything we passed on our way down the pavement.

Cold air nipped at my cheeks, which wasn't much of a surprise considering the time of year. Dark, grey clouds blanketed the sky, and the only spots of colour sprouted from the expanses of the bare trees and large piles of shrivelled leaves.

"We used to always play in that park didn't we?" Masumi rambled on. I briefly peeked where he was pointing and he only smiled at the sight of the young kids running around and having a blast. "Children never seem to care about how cold it may be or their surroundings; they'd seriously run around all year long regardless of the weather or situation because they're only focused on living their lives to the fullest."

His words only grazed my ears. My head continued to flutter left and right, eyes peeled. I gripped my coat tighter around myself but it wasn't because of the cold. I'd just needed to calm myself down—clear my head. What was being so paranoid going to do for me? They weren't going to pop up randomly like in the movies to get me. Again, at least. I had my brother with me, too. I needed to calm down.

"—eina? Reina!"

                     Jolting, my arms dropped by my sides. I pivoted on my foot to see my brother's face leaned over to see mine, enveloped with concern.

I quickly feigned a smile. "O-oh, sorry, I was zoning out. What were you saying?"

"What do you think comes first, the chicken or the egg?"

My eyelids fluttered rapidly as I stared at my brother in confusion. "H-huh?"

He rolled his eyes, maneuvering to the other side of me so he was standing on the outer part of the road. He flicked me between the brows without warning. I winced, clasping my hands over the spot.

"Ouch! Why did you—"

"Pay attention, kiddo," he cut me off. "When's the last time you'll be able to spend time and go on a stroll with me? I'm leaving again in ten days so you should make the most of the time instead of zoning out."

I sourly looked over at him, knowing there was truth in his words. "Again?" I said anyway. "You never stay more than ten days."

"That's because time doesn't allow me to," my brother responded, shrugging. "I still have to head back and work on some assignments and projects. Vacation in college isn't actually a vacation at all."

"Sounds tough."

Masumi jostled my arm with his elbow. "You'll be going to college next year, won't you? Wow, you've grown so old. I still remember when you were so tiny and you'd whine and cling to my legs all the time."

"Actually, that was you," I deadpanned, recalling those very days. "You didn't want me playing with other boys so you always found a way to keep them away. But since you were so tiny they never took you seriously—"

"I was just a late-bloomer!" Masumi reasoned. "And considering how puberty hit me like a plane I think all those years of ridicule were worth it."

I gave him a look, used to how full of himself he was. "You're not very tall now either."

"Five foot five is tall enough."

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