Chapter 7

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I decided to read a book while I waited for everyone to come back. An hour and thirty minutes later I hear the front door open, so I go see who is at the door. Looking over the railing, I see that it's just Jason saying goodbye to Amanda.

"Tonight was amazing Jason. Don't be a stranger and call me real soon okay." She gives Jason a chaste kiss on the lips and I can't help but roll my eyes. 

"I had a great time too Amanda, don't worry I'll call you sooner than you think." He winked at her and brought her in for a final hug.

She giggled and let go of his hand before walking out the door. I walk quietly back to my bedroom, and shut the door. I have no right to be upset but I can't help the way I feel. How can he act as if he didn't leave hickeys on my body the night before. How can he be so casual about his personal relationships. Running my hands through my hair I lay on my bed and stare up at the ceiling. I sounded like a jealous girlfriend, but that was it I wasn't his girlfriend and I could never be. An hour later April and the others return. I walk down to the kitchen to say hello to everyone.

"Hey April, how was shopping?"

"Hey Christina I brought you some dinner," she said as she handed me an Olive Garden bag.

"Wow thanks."

"No problem, but anyway shopping was fun. There were a lot of great deals I wish you had come. How's your mother?"

"She's getting weaker as the days go by, but I'm hanging in there."

She gives me a hug and I smile. "Hey can I talk to you in my room for a second."


We walk back upstairs to my bedroom, and I ask her to shut the door.

"So what's up," she asks while taking a seat on the couch.

"Well, when I got home I saw your note saying that everyone had gone shopping, I decided to see whether or not Jason was home. The only thing is when I walked down to his bedroom; I saw Amanda and Jason well you know..."

"Oh my god you caught them having sex!!!"

"Well not exactly they were in his lounge at first, but then they went to his bedroom."

"Wow so Jason really is a playboy, and I defended him."

"April it's not your fault you just didn't know. So how do you feel about him now?"

"Any man who can just sleep around without love is not for me. In all honesty I actually gave up recently on Jason."


"Because I know he'll never see me as a woman. I'm more of a little sister to him you know, but hey maybe this I good for you."


"Oh please Christina; I see the way you two interact. I'm not blind you two are attracted to each other." I was surprised that April would say that. I didn't think I was being obvious with my attraction to Jason, but If April noticed this then the whole staff probably thinks the same.

"April that's not true, there is no way in hell I would go for a guy who sleeps with everything that walks."

"We'll just see about that. She throws me a wink before skipping out of my room. I sigh and lay back on my bed looking up at the ceiling. 

Oh my god Jason and I have just become the entertainment for April in this house. I look at the clock and see that it's about the time that I would have gone to Jason's room, but after what happened tonight I think I'll pass. I decide to crawl into bed, and get some sleep instead.

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