Chapter 10

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"Nothing Jason, calm down. Now if you'll excuse me April and I have a movie to finish," I say running up the stairs. I got a glimpse of Jason's face before I went to my room. If I didn't know any better it looked like he was pissed off. I shrugged my shoulders and thought nothing of it. It was probably just my imagination. I got on my bed and continued watching the movie with April.

April and I had a great time hanging out, but it was time for me to get to work. I head over to Jason's room to continue working on his project. Jason opens the door, but I notice something is off about him.

"Hey," I say walking in happily.

"Hey," he says in a monotone voice which catches me off guard. He usually is animated and cocky so I had no idea what could be wrong.

"Are you okay Jason?"

"I'm fine, now let's get to work," he says as he walks past me and into his design studio. I follow behind him still trying to figure out what could be bothering him. I stop at the entrance of the studio and notice Jason carrying a beautiful red gown.

"Is that a finished product?"

"Yeah just finished it before you came; I need you to try it on."

I begin to strip my clothes and Jason stops me, "Before you continue let me leave you to your privacy." He walks out the door and shuts it. Okay now I'm seriously worried. Usually Jason stays and watches me as I get uncomfortable being under his gaze, but today he is being polite and not harassing me. I mean this is what I wanted in the first place, but now it's actually pissing me off. I change into the dress, and open the door. Jason walks back into the studio and nods his head in approval.

"It's perfect on your body, what do you think?"

"I agree the dress is beautiful," I say as I stare at myself in the mirror. He examines the details before making a slight alteration at my hip to take it in some more.

"Okay take off the dress so we can begin on the next outfit."

Just as he begins to walk out of the room, I grab his arm and stop him.

"Jason what's wrong you're not acting like yourself tonight." He turns around to look at me and I notice the vibrancy in his eyes isn't there.

"What do you mean?"

"Well you aren't animated or excited like you usually are, is everything alright?"

He chuckles to himself before turning to face me, "Christina everything is fine you don't have to worry about anything alright. I told you that I would treat you with respect and be a professional so that's what I'm doing." He smiled at me and left me to change. As I removed the dress, it hit me. Jason started acting weird after he saw me with Aiden earlier, but that can't be it. Jason doesn't seem like the type to get jealous, if anything he's the type that looks to get even with somebody. I shake my head and focus on changing. When I'm done I let Jason back into the room.

He proceeds to look at the different fabrics he could possibly use for his next outfit. I take a seat on one of the chairs and just watch him. The thought of the possibility of Jason being jealous of Aiden keeps playing over and over in my head. If he's jealous then there may be a possibility that he really does like me. A few more minutes of silence pass, and Jason continues to lay out his design plans. I decide to play a game on my phone while I wait for him to call me. Right when I'm about to start a game, I get a text message from Aiden. A giant smile spread on my face as I read the text.

 "Just wanted to say goodnight." I immediately reply to him.

"That was thoughtful of you, goodnight to you too."

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