Chapter 15

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The morning came too fast as the sun hit my face causing me to wake up. As I got up I remembered the events of yesterday which angered me. I guess Amanda coming over last night was definitely the sign my mother was sending me. I hop out of bed and get ready for the day. As I'm fixing my hair there is a knock on my door. Walking over to the the door I open it to find April with a breakfast tray.

"Good morning Christina, I thought you could use a little breakfast in bed but I see you're already up."

"No its okay April thank you." I take the tray from her and motion for her to come inside. April closes the door behind her and takes a seat on my couch.

"So how are you feeling?"

"What do you mean April?"

"I mean you stormed off last night when you saw you know, what Jason and Amanda were doing."

I put my hairbrush down and walk over to sit on my bed. "April I assure you it's nothing I remembered something I had to do so I rushed upstairs."

"Are you sure it has nothing to do with Jason?"

"What April no, don't be ridiculous. Now let's head downstairs and eat in the kitchen." She eyed me warily before letting out a sigh.

She got up and followed me downstairs only to be met by Amanda who was wearing one of Jason's shirts. April gasped at the sight of her, which caused her to turn around in our direction.

"Good morning ladies." She looked every bit of beautiful even with messy bed hair. I can see why Jason likes being with her.

"Good morning," April and I both say making our way over to the breakfast nook. I placed the tray of food on the counter, and watched as Amanda took a seat next to us.

"Your name is Amanda right?" I thought it was only right to make small talk with someone even if you dislike them.

"Yes, although I don't know what your name is."

"Christina, pleasure to formally meet you."

"Oh yeah weren't you the maid I saw when I came to the design studio."

"Yeah that was me."

"Oh then would you be a doll and get me something to eat?"

April froze next to me just waiting for my reaction. "I'm sorry Amanda, but I no longer am a maid here."

She narrowed her eyes a me looking me up and down as a frown formed on her face.

"Then what are you exactly doing in this house?"

"That's really none of your business."

"Don't tell me your only here for Jason? Honey you should give up now. What makes you think you could ever have a chance with him?" She laughed silently to herself which only pissed me off further.

I cocked my head to the side, and cleared my throat. "Amanda I'm afraid your misinterpreting my relationship with Jason."

"Oh am I. I've known Jason for quite a while, and I know that there are always girls who like being around him for his money." April stands up and goes to stand in between Amanda and I.

"Well you don't have to worry about Christina, she's not like that," April said trying to ease the situation.

I softly push April to the side and look Amanda straight in the eyes. "Are you implying that I'm a whore?"

"I didn't say it honey you did."

Right as I'm about to lunge at Amanda Jason walks into the room, "good morning ladies."

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