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"Before tonight I wanna fall in love and put your faith in my stomach"

I'm writing this at a pool with my family around me also I'm a slut for aftercare. What the hell are you doing autumn get your life in check.

Tyler loved Josh, but he wasn't sure what kind of 'love' Josh felt for him.

"H-Hey Joshie,"the younger one began unsure of where this was going.

"Yes Ty-Ty?" Josh answers peeping his head into Tyler's room.

"Do you li-," Tyler stopped knowing that if the answer was no it would ruin their bond.

"Do I like what? C'mon Tyler you can ask me anything." He replied.

"O-Okay, do you l-like pancakes!" Tyler said already knowing the answer.

"Yes of course, why did you need to ask me that?" He said sitting down on the other boy's bed making Tyler's heart beat even faster.

"B-Because I forgot, and I was gonna make them tonight."

Josh just nodded his head not believing Tyler's story one bit.


Tyler was down in the kitchen making pancakes when he realized he had no clue how to make them.

"Josh will you help me, please?" he said  as the larger boy (in more than one way) walked in.

"Wow, you were serious about this," Josh replied taking in the mess of their kitchen Tyler had created.

"Yeah" the smaller boy replied simply.

"So what do you need help with?"

"Do this and this"

"What the hell does this and this mean"

"This and this" he said putting two cups of flour in his hands.

Josh just hummed in agreement and began to pour the flour into a mixing bowl. Both boys' were talking and attempting to make pancakes which wasn't going too well.

"Hey Tyler can I ask you something?" Josh asked grabbing Tyler by the wrist.


"What did you really wanna ask me earlier and be honest" Josh said the grip on his wrist tightening.

"Do you like pancakes, I didn't think it was a big deal," Tyler said attempting to sound convincing.

"You should know I don't believe that at all," Josh said as his hand moved closer to Tyler's hand.

"W-What?" he said backing up and hitting the counter but Josh was still holding him tightly.

"I know you, Ty" The yellowed haired boy said pausing," I love you."

"I-I-I'm not g-gay though"

"You act about as gay as a rainbow slinky" Josh said leaning in and looking at Tyler for a look of consent but before Josh could look for it, Tyler was already putting his lips on his.

"C-Can we cuddle?" Tyler said as Josh chuckled at how adorable the boy truly was.

Josh replied by scooping the smaller boy up and carrying him gently to the couch.

"I-I love you" Tyler said as he was placed on the couch with Josh's arm covering him.

Is this even fluff??? Idk. But nothing says family vacation like writing gay fanfic.

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