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"I can change your thoughts my dear, I can change your fears."

I have insomnia so currently writing this when I should be asleep but who needs sleep when you can write gay fanfic amirite.

Tyler doesn't sleep.

Josh doesn't like going home.


Tyler was in class as a normal Tuesday goes: be bored, do work he'll never remember, and go home. It became a habitual routine for the boy.

Josh on the other hand, had a different routine. He was a student that studied hard and always asked questions even if they weren't completely necessary.

Both boys had one thing in common: they both want to leave the school.

"Why does math have to be so difficult," Tyler complained for the fifth time that class.

"Joseph, if you don't stop complaining I'll assign more work for you to complete,"Mr. Rob threatened.

"Good, more work I'll never complete, I'm game,"Tyler said earned a few giggles from the class.

The instructor eventually gave up and continued teaching the lesson no one completely understood.

The tan boy wasn't paying any attention until Mr. Rob said words that struck chills up Tyler's spine 'group project'.

"I will assign your partners with people your not particularly friends with just to get you out of your comfort zone."

The whole class groaned in protest as names where listed out and you could tell everyone was on the edge of their seats as they were called out. Groans and cheers of joy could be heard from all different directions.

"Tyler and...Josh, you two will have the art project to do,"the teacher said as both boys' went wide eyed.

Josh knew he would be doing all the work so he pulled out a white sheet of paper and a mechanical pencil to begin by himself. The smaller boy knew Josh would do the whole thing so he walked over to give an impression that he was contributing.

"What are you making?" Tyler asked trying to figure it out by squinting.

"Considering we have to do a drawing of a person, I'm drawing a person,"Josh replied not bothering to even look up at the other boy.

"Draw Me,"Tyler said.


"Because I'm incredibly good looking."

"Don't hold your breath on that."

Tyler just laughed at that and took the pencil from Josh's hand.

"Give it back," Josh said pleadingly.

"Not unless you agree to draw me,"Tyler replied as the older boy rolled his eyes.

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