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"maybe life should be about more than just surviving." - clarke griffin
OKAY! so you've finished the writing practice and hopefully have the gist of mapping out/describing a character. now you want to create your OC so you can get on with writing your fanfic.

there's a lot of stuff you have to think about when you create your OC. like their background story, their relationships, etc . i'm going to address both of these topics in this chapter.


before you figure out anything about your character, you neeeeed to figure out what their background is. for example some possibilities could be:

- a citizen on the Ark. of course this entails many other options. like are they a delinquent sent to  earth on the drop-ship? if so, how did they end up in lock up? (this is a great way to show the uniqueness of your OC, make them have a creative crime!) were they not originally a delinquent but were put on the ship by accident? are they a zero-G mechanic who is recruited to help raven and abby and ends up on earth through that? did they ride a magical unicorn down to earth after realizing that the love of their life had been sent down there to die? the possibilities are endless.

- a grounder. now this option is also quite popular, and could also have lots of options. are they part of trikru? ice nation?? how did they stumble across the drop-ship? are they a mighty worrier or maybe a healer? are they like lincoln and want to protect the sky people or do they hate them with their guts and want to kill them all?

- a mountain (wo)man. maybe they are a rebel similar to maya vie, and hate what their leaders are doing to the grounders/sky people. perhaps because of genetics they are the only mountain person who can go outside. or maybe a delinquent they befriend donates some of their bone marrow. again, there's room to play around with this idea, and it's a pretty underrated so like i would go for it.

- someone else. obviously this option would be tricky, and i can't think of any other options, but maybe you're a lot more creative than me. obviously it's your story so do what ever the hell you want!

before you sit down to write your story it is CRUCIAL that you know your character's background. this way their story doesn't get tangled up and you don't end up bashing your face into your keyboard crying bitter tears of frustration. trust me, it happens, so try to avoid it! (;


again, before you write anything, a good step is writing down a brief summary the relationships your OC has with other characters, (and i'm not just talking romantic) wether they be characters from the original show, or other characters you've made up by yourself. of course you don't have to do this for EVERY character your OC comes into contact with, but it's good to do for characters that great effect your OC, especially if you want your OC to have a strong background story.

example: in my book 'hiraeth', my OC (hazel hudson), grew up with john murphy. even though they're from different ends of the Ark, they still know each other well because their moms were best friends. as they grew up they drifted apart, because of different reasons you'll have to read the book to find out. they have sort of a love/hate, cousin like relationship that effects the plot a lot. before i wrote my book i wrote out a description of their relationship that looks like this:

 before i wrote my book i wrote out a description of their relationship that looks like this:

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(ps, sorry for my messy writing!!)

some other quick examples could be:

- your OC is the child of Jacapo Sinclair (describe that relationship)

- your OC is Indra's sister (describe that relationship)

- your OC is best friends with Zoe Monroe (describe that relationship)

- your OC is Abby Griffin's second assistant (describe that relationship)

ETC. ETC. ETC. i think you get the gist.

TO SUMMARIZE: if you're planning on having your OC have a legit role in your book that affects the actions and plot of other characters it's really important to have a firm grasp on their background story relationships! if you have ANY questions or need anything to be clarified pls comment! xoxox

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