"Is that death I hear stalking me?" - Roan kom Azgeda
Polis is sort of like the Grounder's capitol city - it's the main hub of the Coalition and where the Commander (Heda) resides. It isn't actually featured in the show until season 3, but obviously it's existed for a while.
This city's name isn't a short form from another city (ie like how Tondc is shortened from Washington DC), instead Polis is a shortened version of the word "POLARIS", which was the 13th Space Station.
It's estimated that Polis' population was roughly 15,000. By the end(ish) of season 4, the number dropped to 4,000 people, including 400 children.
Nobody really knows where Polis is located exactly, but based on travelling distance from and to Arkadia and Tondc, etc , some would argue it's possibly located near where Baltimore is today.
Polis is different from the smaller Grounder settlements, and is more like the big cities we have today. For example there's a market with different shops selling different items. The streets are crowded and full of life. Lexa mentions to Clarke that Polis may change the way she (Clarke) thinks about Grounders. Polis takes everything Skaikru thought they knew about Grounders and blows it up - it's sort of beyond what they assumed the Grounders were capable of.
Honestly I don't think I've ever read a book (then again I honestly haven't read too many the 100 books so who knows...) where any of the characters were actually from/lived in Polis and I think it's kinda underrated!
me trying to be super casual about the fact that i haven't updated this book since 19BC.
lols i haven't posted an ACTUAL tip on here in like 9 years give or take...but oh whale. i was looking at my library and noticed this book has nearly 40k reads and i was shooketh™ and decided maybe i should actually write a tip since you guys are so nice and and actually still read this book.
also disclaimer: i'm not actually smart or that well-versed in the 100 facts, especially specifics and all this information is just stuff i've found on a couple websites...so don't be mad if it's wrong or anything!
anyways for next time, what tip would you rather see: "explaining A.L.I.E." or "grounder OC tips"? let me know!
xx tay
screw fear. | THE 100
Random"You don't have to do this alone." || WRITING GUIDE. a book where i make my best attempt at helping you write a kickass fanfic for the 100. [writing tips, the 100 facts, face claims, book recommendations, etc etc etc]