Chapter 15: Welcome to Atlanta

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"Hey Lin!" Pippa said happily, he could practically hear her smiling over the phone. "Hey babe, are you outside? Sounds windy" he comments, she giggles. "I'm out on a run" she says turning a corner into a lonely street. "Woooop that's my girlfriend! She's the best! She's gorgeous!" He cheers, she laughs. "Lin what are you doing?" She asks, he smiles. "Encouragement" he simply says. "Ha...Lin you're the-" but he didn't hear the rest of that. He heard a static noise but more choppy. "What was that love I think you cut out" he said as he was writing, like he had been the whole time. He looked up from his papers to his phone. "Pip did you disconnect?" He asks, placing his pen down. No reply. "Phillipa, Love are you okay?" He asks now getting worried. There's silence, as he's about to hang up and recall her he hears something that almost makes him drop to his knees. There is a ear piercing scream then the call shuts off, he knows that's Pippa and he suddenly wants to cry...

    No one really knew what to say, it had been almost three hours and no sign of Pippa. All her closest friends sat in the police station, waiting with Lin. Lin didn't know what to say and even if he did he couldn't. His mouth was unbearably dry and he felt that I'd slowly his throat was closing, almost like anaphylactic shock.

"Lin...we'll find her. You know Pippa, if she's in trouble she'll be smart" Chris said trying to console his best friend.

"And if we don't..." Lin says, something he's been thinking in fear.

"Don't even say that" Reneé says, her and Jazzy have been holding hands taking turns consoling one another.

"Sorry, I'm just..." Lin can't even continue. Suddenly he feels a pair of arms wrap around him, then another pair until he's the middle of a very loving group hug.

"We'll find her" Anthony says.

    As everyone sits back down Lin is called to answer some questions. He explains everything he heard on the phone call. They've sent out an alert but no one knows any thing. It's about 1 in the morning when everyone heads home. It's also around 1 when she wakes up. She's in a car, face into the seat, she struggles but gets up on her knees. As she looks out the window she sees their passing a sign.

    'Welcome to Atlanta'

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