Chapter 14: The Tonys

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    A/N okay so, this chapter is mostly nsfw ish, it can be skipped it will not have an effect on the plot so if you don't like it skip it I'm all good and won't be offended BUT YOU CAN NOT SKIP THE LAST TWO PARAGRAPHS THEY ARE IMPORTANT PLEASE READ THEM PLEASE I CANNOT STRESS THAT ENOUGH. But other wise you're good to skip till there.👌😉😊 but if you do read let me know your thoughts😂

"How do I look?" Lin heard from behind him, he turned around and nearly forgot how to breathe. "Pippa...I..." he couldn't explain. "I can change if you don't like it" she said, he shook his head. "No you look..." he gulped. "You look so beautiful my love" he says, she blushes. "I don't look that good" she argues, he chuckles and sways them back and forth. "You look so gorgeous, so, so gorgeous" he said.

   The first thing he did when he won was was hug her. They weren't public yet but he couldn't help it, no one thought anything if it. 'She's his stage wife, she's probably most important' is what they thought but they didn't now the reality of their thoughts. They were secretly (so they thought) holding hands between the seats the whole time.

    "Lin you really need to stop carrying me places" Pippa laughed as they walked into Lins apartment, her white dress was flowing over. "Im practising" he said, she laughed. "For?" She questioned, moving his hair from his face. "This is bridal style right?" He says, she blushes. "Ohhh" she sounds, he smiles. "All in good time, no need to worry" he says not sure if that was appropriate, they'd only been together 2 months now. "It doesn't worry me, just saying" she says, he places her onto the floor gently, she doesn't stay there long. They take a minute just looking, taking each other in, then they kiss. It's rough and sloppy but they find it perfect. She's up onto his torso faster then her places her on the floor. Her heels topple off and he walks her to the bedroom.

    He pushes her against the wall, placing some of her weight there. It's not that he found her heavy, at all but it made it easier to get to her. "Lin...are we going to do this?" She asks, it wasn't a protest, just a question. He came up from her neck, a mark already there. "Only if you want to because honestly Pippa..." he said gently letting her down. "I want you to be mine, all of you" he said, she couldn't speak, her mind couldn't form words. So instead she kissed him, placing her hands on his chest she walked them backward till he fell back onto the bed.

   "I want this" was all she said, that was all he needed to know. He sat up and pulled her by her hips so she was straddling him. She pulled off his tie and his jacket, he pulled down her hair. Standing up, Pippa held onto Lin until she was placed the on the bed, Lin between her legs. "Hi" she whispered. "Hello, hello, hello" he whispered back, she giggled pulling him to her lips.

Un-Zipping her dress, he went painfully slow. Removing himself from her lips. "Linnnnnn stop teasing me" she whined, he chuckled. "Have you no patience?" He asks, she breaths air out of her nose it a frustrated way. "Not in this context" she giggled, just as she thought he was going to keep being slow her zipper was down, dress on the floor and he was attached to her neck. "Oh my" was all she could muster. He chuckles next to her ear. That drove her crazy so she moaned. "Wow just my laugh makes you moan" he says, she squirms under him. "Hush and kiss me" she says, he happily obliged.

    The Tonys were a wonderful night, Hamilton won like 11 awards,everyone had fun, and Pippa new what it was like to be wanted in more ways then one. Lin could finally say she was all his. Regardless, everyone went to bed with smiles on their faces, except one person...

     'Hamilton stars Phillipa Soo and Lin Manuel Miranda caught holding hands through all of the Tonys! Are they together? We think so! Nothing like Broadway love!'

    His eyes scanned across the page, she looked happy, her smile was large and he didn't see any bruises. He didn't like it, that bitch (in his brain) needed to be bruised. "Oh my Phillipa... Adams coming for you honey" he said through gritted teeth...

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