Chapter 17

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"It's so... gross." Phoebe says as she rubs into my chest.

"No. It's quite nice out if you asked me, as long as your here, I'm warm."

"Harry stop. You're spoiling me."

"Okay, okay. I'll stop. Anyway, do you want to going ice skating in the Frog Pond?"



"I suck at any type of skating."

"It's okay. I'll teach you." I talk too the man at the counter who gave us our skies and a coupon for the next time we go.

"What size are you?" The man asked Phoebe.

"Ten." She said as she grabbed her skates.

"You got some big ass feet Pheebs."

"Thanks." As she chuckled. We walked over to the entrance of the rink. As I laced my skates Phoebe started walking to the rink and walked along the sides. I tied as fast as I could and skated towards her. As I skated to her she kept on tripping over her feet and squeaking. Making sure she wouldn't fall I put both my palms on her waist too slow her down.


"Harry. Don't, you scared me."

"You scared me. I didn't want you to break your face."

"Thanks. Alright how the hell do we do this?"

"Okay, take my hand." She took my hand and I told her to put one foot in front of each other, she did well spreading her legs but she had no patience so she kept wobbling. Phoebe did good bit she refused to go around again.

"Harry stop. My feet are killing me."

"That's the pain of having fun." I said as a took her wrist and pulled her to the center of the rink. Phoebe kept her entire weight on my arms, since she didn't want too fall.

"Harry what's wrong with you?"

"Nothing love." I held her by one of her arms and I forced us too go into a circle. As we starting spinning we span closing together. Soon enough I could feel are chest touching, as we went to a halt in spinning. Our breathing was so heavy, cause I could feel Phoebe's breathing on my shoulder. I didn't know what to do. Should I kiss? Should I not? My head said no bit my heart said yes. I put my right arm around her shoulder, tilting my head down to her level. Closing my eyes and hoping for the best. When our lips touched, it was like, kissing a pillow. So soft and smooth. Her lips tasted like mint and I felt her hand fist a pile of my curls. As her lips started to open and my tongue trying to enter we heard a little girl whale "EWW!" That instantly ended our almost French kissing. Our lips separated then I felt the cold air hit my lips again, not Phoebe's.

"Umm." Phoebe said with a puzzled look on her face. "You wanna go somewhere else? I think we scared some families."

"Yes please." We walked out of the rink and gave the man back our skates and tried to walk to the city. I didn't know the whole time we were walking, we were spread apart. Not as close as we were before we got here. I hopes that I didn't ruin the date. Trying too make things better I tried too start a conversation with her.

"You're a good kisser." Damn it. Out of all things, I said that. Jesus. "I'm sorry Phoebe. I didn't mean it."

"No, thanks. You're not so bad yourself." She said as she walked closer towards me. "I just want too ask you something, why'd you do it?"

That's when I got nervous. I just did it. Phoebe looked so cute. Her rosy cheeks, green eyes, and her precious lips. How could I resist.

"Agh, you had some lint on your lip."

"Was there some lint in my trachea too?" As she nudged my arm. "Believe I loved the gesture but, I just rather do that in private. But thanks for helping scare children." As she looped her arm between mine.

"Anytime." As I pulled her in closer. We walked through the park, as the coldness of the air got stronger our legs got weaker. We found a bench under a willow tree and rested.

"Phoebe?" I asked, as I wrapped my arms around her shoulder.

"Yeah." She said as she shifted her body towards mine.

"What's wrong with your dad?"

"Oh." She said as she looked down at the ground.

Taking my hand off her waist and both in the air protesting. "No. Not like that, I mean why don't you talk anymore?" She took her eyes off the ground at looked at me in a scared innocent look. As though she was scared.

She scotches closer into to me. Fisting her hand on my coat. "Well where do I start. It-it-it starts when I was two."

The Angel Inside The Demon // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now