Chapter One

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  I run the pink flower petal between my fingers trying to connect to my fairy side. My eyes are closed and the wind in the backyard picks up. My legs are crossed and my other hand is tangled in the grass. The chill of the wind puts goosebumps on my arms.

I open my eyes to only find I failed. Again. The small lanterns hanging from the willow trees twinkles against my mothers pool. Dandelions are randomly scattered across the grounds and the chatter of the people next door can be heard over the fence.

I close my eyes and rub the petal again only to be disturbed by a splash from the pool. I open my eyes to see a small red headed girl peeking her head out of the pool. "Sonny!" A boy shouts opening the gate separating our houses.

"You have to ask Miss Lane before you jump in. She may have guests," he scolds. He too has red hair. His eyes are a vibrant green that seems to brighten his freckles.

"Lonny, there's a girl!" She whisper shouts while pointing at me.

"You must be Jezza, I'm Lonny and this is my sister Sonny. Terrible twin names especially since we are ten years apart," he says instantly.

"Oh yeah," i mutter. Mom told me she let the kinds next door swim over here because she feels sorry for them. Their parents fight a lot.

I push myself up and hold my hand out. "It's nice to meet you. I was just going in."

"Is it okay if I have a few friends over?"

"Yes. Just don't go upstairs. You know we're the toilets are," I say going in.




   I wrap the towel around me with much regret. The shower was warm, like it was filling the void of friendlessness and migraines. I open the bathroom door and look both ways making sure no boys came up here.

  Once in my room I grab some undies and a tshirt before brushing my hair. I grab the edge of the purple flower on my vanity before closing my eyes.

"Sh!t! This is so unprofessional," I hear someone whisper. I shrug it off thinking its on of the boys I'm checking in on. By touching the flower I can peek into the backyard, like a security camera. Once satisfied I blink before meeting my slivery grey eyes in the mirror.

Most Fey are insanely gorgeous and as half Fey I'm only half as such. I have white short hair with few black undertones, full pink lip, a decent sized nose that is peppered with freckles, and the pale. I know I'm not ugly but I'm still not the level of my fellow Feys. What I did get from my mother is my height and deep feelings that I know I develop too fastly.

The bright green towel only makes me look more pale. I go back to brushing my hair as I turn on some music. As I go to unwrap the towel I notice someone on my bed making me scream. "Who the hell are you?" I shout as I throw my hairbrush at him.

Clearly he is surprised because it hits him square in the face. His blond hair is cut to about midforhead. His eyes seem like endless pits of blackness that last forever. "You called for me?"

"No I did not. Now tell me who you are," I demand while picking up my straightener. Amusement flashes through his eyes.

"Draven," he says smoothly. His voice is as rough as his calloused hands. "Now, I've been cooped up for years little girl and I have some business to get to so tell me what you want."

"I'm not a little girl," I say. He tilts his head before scanning over me. 

"Your height fooled me but your body doesn't," he smirks. I put my hands on my hips without any problem of his perverted comment. He pulls out a dagger as he stands up and walks to me. He boxes me up against my vanity before slamming his dagger into it.

I swing my straightener at him hitting his head. He stumbled back as I continue my assault on him. He grabs my wrists and slings me on the ground with an animalistic growl. His get on top of me.

"You have no idea who you are messing with girly," he hisses.

"Neither do you," I grunt before putting my hands on his face willing my fairy gifts to work. He is pushed back by a gust of wind.

"What are you?" He shouts confused. "No human could do that, you smell like no wolf, and a witch would've stood ground rather well."

"How do you know that?"

"That really only leaves a blood sucker, a demon or a Fairy. Which is not better."

"How dare you-"

  He pushes me back on the bed, grabs my wrist, and swiftly cuts it. A forked tongue licks up the blood as excitement rushes over his face. I kick him off me with a scream. "I'm a fairy!" I shout wanting him away from me.

"So I taste."

"What are you?"

  He gives me a confused look before glancing around me. His eyes land on my bookshelf where I've enchanted it to hide the witchs book. "Why does a little fairy have a witches spell book?"

"Why are you in my room?" I ask before pelting my pillows at him. He dodges them while giving me a stern look.

"Stop assaulting me with your belongings!" He finally commands. I squint my eyes at him showing him I'm mad.

"Can you please tell me who you are?" I ask again. He lets out a sigh before sitting on the edge of my bed.

"I'm Draven Rex. You are the lucky being who has summoned me, the great assassin!" He shouts making me gape at him.


"You summoned me. You said the little spell and boom I'm here at your command to kill," he explains.

"When did I summon you?"

"Two or three days ago."

  His eyes have faded to a warm brown color. He is an assassin? I giggle a little then more. Draven looks at me with worry as I start laughing harshly. "I'm not joking."

"But I just beat you up with a straightener?"

He just looks at me as I push my hair back. I grab my undies and slip the on under my towel before hastily putting on my tshirt. I stand up to hide my shakiness. Why are you here?"

"I serve you. I am here to kill for you."

"Oh." My head swirls and the ground gets closer. What have I done?

Here's the first real chapter!

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