Chapter Three

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  I sit on my living room floor as the group from last week join me. I sent word to David about the attack but he was rather busy with his daughter. "Jezza?" Lonny asks.


"Is there someone else here?" He asks and my head perks up.

"Draven?" I call out. I lean over to look up the staircase. Kass leans over too. "Draven! I swear I'll beat you with my straightener again. Are you here?" I call out.

"It may have just been the tv," he mutters. Suze giggles as she leans over to Lonny and whispers to him. Lonny had took Sonny to one of her friends houses for the night.

We spend a few hours playing card games and board games. It's rather fun to be with people around my age. I stand up and brush my pants off. "I'll be right back."

I go up to my room, put on shorts and take my necklace off. My body is stiff from falling asleep on the couch last night. I feel hands on my shoulders making me jump. I catch the mirror gaze of Jake. "You scared me," I whisper.

"I should."

   The purple stars flash through his eyes again. I turn around to look him in the eyes. "Why are you up here?" I ask glancing to my bookshelf.

"I wanted to talk," he whispers.

"About?" I ball up my hands ready to throw down.

"Suze and Lonny and Kass."

I internally let out my huge sigh. This is such a relief. "What about them?"

"I know you have been trying to get Lonny to see Suze."


"Lonny loves her but he doesn't want to hurt Kass," he whispers and glances out my door. I nod my head and move to sit on my bed. He joins me and lays down.

"Gone for a week and you have got a man in your bed," Draven says making me groan and roll over to my other side.

"You've got some bad company," he whispers while laying a hand on my hip. He is laying behind me which makes me sigh. He doesn't understand my bed is my bed. Not our bed.

"Says the demonic assassin," I mutter moving his hand off. He starts to play with my hair.

"Little Fairy," he whispers in a sort of scolding tone. I roll my eyes and roll over to face him.

"Let me sleep. I'm tired," I whisper. He puts his hand on my hip again and rubs circles.

"You've been in and out for the past three hours. Do you always sleep like that?"

"Yes. It's really hard for me to sleep," I whisper angrily. He moves his hand from my hip to my hair and runs his hands through it. He starts to hum  and eventually sing in a language I've never heard.

  He tone is so soft and relaxing. "Goodnight Little Fairy," he whispers as my eyes flutter close.

  I wake to find Jake half off the bed asleep and Draven gone. I actually feel rested for once. I get up and make my way downstairs to find Suze, Lonny, Kass, and Frank asleep on the floor or couch. Draven is sitting at the kitchen table looking over a book.

"Little fairy," he whispers looking back at me. I grab a bottle of water and join him.

"Hey," I mutter before taking a sip of water.

"Do you know the translation of my summons is?" He suddenly asks. I shake my head no.

"Twinkle Twinkle Little star
How I wonder what you are
Down beneath my demon sword
Underneath the holy world
Twinkle twinkle Little star
Look at where you're at
I bring your death with a whack."

"That's a good way to ruin a child's nursery song," I mutter while inspecting my nails. He lets out a small laugh before running his hands through his hair.

"That's the point," he whispers.

"How come?"

He looks away from me and back to the book. He leans back in the chair before looking up at me. He seems to really be looking at me, trying to discover all of my hidden layers. It's like he's trying to get past the Fey glow and see the real me.

"Not many people know and I tend to keep it that way," he answers as Jake comes down the stairs.

"It's okay."

"I have things to do. See you tonight little fairy," he says walking out of the house. Jake takes his seat and we start to chat. Last night the way we talked, it was like we were best friends who haven't seen each other in years. Every once and a while he will be salty but I think that's his general personality. Every once and awhile he'll have the purple shooting star in his eyes and then be honest it's mesmerizing.

"I ache," Kass says rubbing his shoulder. I smile and play with my fingers.

"It's because you slept on the floor," I giggle.

"Not everyone had the luxury or balls to sneak in your room last night," he says giving Jake a funny look.

"Maybe you should've borrowed Suze's lady balls," I pipe in making Jake laugh.
I look down with a smile. I kinda enjoy this feeling. Being included.

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