Chapter Four

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  My mom glances at Jake and I in the blanket fort we made.  Jake was offended when I told him I had never been in one before And declared that we must make one. He also said that I hadn't had a good life until I have made one. "You get weirder by the minute," mom says before grabbing her keys.

"I love you!" I call out and she replies with her own I love yous. I focus back on the movie as I wrap my blankets around me. Jake and I have gotten really close these past few weeks which has been a relief because I originally thought the guy hated me. It's made me crazy with how much attention he's given me.

"Why does he call you little fairy?"

  Stunned by the sudden question that broke out long silence, I glance at Jake who has his eyes set on me, waiting. "Draven? He's just eh," I mutter not really knowing what else to say. I can't just say he's a demon or that he is here to 'protect' me until I decide on a sacrifice or something along those lines. I'm still not great with this witch stuff and it makes me more thankful to be a fairy.

"I didn't ask about your opinion of him."

"Does it matter why? We dated once-"

"If you dated then why does he come back?"

"Okay we didn't date. It's just when I was little I dressed as a fairy princess a lot and it's how he makes fun of me," I finally say collecting myself while finding a easy lie to stick with. Jake smiles before looking away from me. My heart flutters at how he does it which anyone could tell was a smile mixed with contentment and trouble.

"So you two aren't dating nor have you dated?"

"No!" I shout as he looks back at me. He tucks my hair behind my ear with a faint smile making my heart stutter. His hand still on my face and he is stroking it softly. It feels way too nice.

"Then it wouldn't matter what I do next?"

"Depends on wha-"

Jake gently puts his lips on mine in a sweet kiss which send a shocked reaction through my entire being. He takes advantage of my shocked state and makes the kiss rough by grabbing the back of my head and biting my lip a little. We lay back so he is hovering over me. No Fey or human I've kissed has kissed me like this. The longer we kiss the more it feels like he has power over me. The more I want to give him this power. The more power I must give him.

My hands are tangled in his hair as his hands slowly play with my shirt hem in a seductive tease. My heart feels as if it is slowing but beating so very fast. I feel weak and in dept to Jake. I never want this kiss to end, I can't have it end.

His lips seem to be the only thing tethering me to this awful Earth. His hands pull me closer as he slowly licks my lips to open them. My arms fall from him on the ground feeling weak and drained but my lips don't stop. I'm addicted.

Jake is suddenly pulled off of me. Air rushes in me making me gasp and claw at my chest while an emptiness enter my chest. My eyes water ask I start trying to catch my breath. Draven is towering over Jake with one of the darkest looks I've ever seen. "You could've killed her!"

"I always take just a little. You know that I don't kill," Jake defends. He doesn't kill? Why would Jake need to kill?

"She's part Fairy," Draven says slowly as I sit up. "Did you seriously think you could get her to tell you if she was one?"

"I didn't feel any fairy essence," Jake argues. It dawns on me as he says that. Why I felt to weak while kissing him.

"You're a succubus," I mutter standing up. He was draining the life out of me while he was kissing me. I feel so stupid as to not have catch that.

"Did someone hire you to distract me?" I ask angered and threatened. What if someone had snuck up to my room to find the damn book? Oh god, I can't have witches and wolves hunt me down. His eyes widen as fear and confusion settle in them.

"No, Jezza, No. I need little pieces of life to live. I don't take a lot, just barely enough to hurt," he explains clearly worried.

  This is why him and Draven are weird to each other. Both are demons. I think back to when I first met Jake and how he acted towards me then and how he feels now. He felt my Fey side and hated me out of instinct. As we got closer he felt my human side and warmed up to me. Jake seems to make this conclusion as well.

"Why would to you need to be distracted?"

   Draven lets out a growl of warning as he pulls me behind him. "It's non of your concern, kid. Leave."

"What? No!"

Draven roughly grabs Jake by his arm and pulls him so they are eye to eye. I even take a step back from Draven. "You are lucky I'm letting you walk this awful flatland. Leave," he growls before tossing him to the ground. I don't know if I'm more thankful or terrified at the moment but I do know Jake is definitely terrified.

  Jake scrambles to his feet before giving Draven an ugly look. Hesitatingly, Jake leaves without lookin back at either of us. Draven walks up to me before roughly grabbing my face. "Stop. I'm fine," I snap trying to my my head to the side to avoid his scolding gaze that always makes me squirm.

His hand has a strong, not painful, grip on my chin. His dark eyes scan over my face before he lets go and turns away from me in an almost disappointed manner. Guilt strike through my being but I'm not entirely sure why. Draven, I'm sorry."

  He turns to me with a frown etched on his face. "For what?"

"Not being careful. I should have been able to-"

"People will take advantage of humans. That's a simple fact little Fairy, but I'll be damned if I'll let them use your human side against you," he states. I look back at the ground unsure. I get these intense overprotective feeling from him, like maybe he isn't telling me the whole truth of why he's sticking around. Jake could've killed me and Draven would've been free from the summoning spell.


  He scoffs at me while turning his head away. When he looks back he draws his brows together as he realizes I want a real answer from him. "It's my job."

"Let me die and you are free to return to where ever you came from, Draven," I stop speaking to take a breath, "I should be expendable to you."

"Little Fairy, you are like a Christmas present to me. You're wrapped in this beautiful packaging with a nice bow on it but I can't exactly find out what's in the inside. I want to know what's on the inside of this," he points to my head and then to my heart, "and that."

"It's just all chaos," I whisper.

"I enjoy the chaos."

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