Chapter Fifteen

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I shoot Draven a dirty look hoping that he will pick up on that he owes me. He just gives me a reassuring smile and a wink. Mistress walks over behind him and runs her fingers along his chest. "Don't be afraid to use your man to make things more interesting." She purrs while patting his cheek. She goes and sits in a chair beside him. "I rather encourage it."

"Or any of us if you wish," Zumm adds. He seems a bit too eager for me to start but then again he is a demon. "Fairies are always the best entertainers."

Draven gives me a nod of encouragement which somehow gives me confidence and a bit of anger. "Little fairy, you got this," he says as his usual frown turns into a mischievous smirk. Just keeps smirking Mr. 'Let me tell you a sob story about how I want to help woman tattooed on my back but I'm not going to tell you that you have to strip!'

When the music starts playing all their eyes shift to me. I start moving my body to the beat of the music with dips and twirls. My hands wonder from my hips to my hair. I grip my hair as I twist my body and close my eyes. With my eyes still closed I take my shirt off, leaving my top half in a black strapless bra. I toe my shoes off as gracefully as I can before getting on the coffee table. I pray it doesn't brake or tip over as I continue to move my body as elegantly and seductive as I can.

With one hand I undo the button to my pants making eye contact with Mistress before I turn. I look at the demons sitting opposite of Draven. Zumm is leaning forward with his elbows on his knees but it doesn't seem as if he even blinks because of how engrossed in the dance he is. Baggadon is smiling as he bites down on his lip as to contain his excitement. Haver, who still seems to be high on Fey food, has his mouth wide open as his eyes roam over me. Psych is gripping at her pink stands and Tamara is even watching though she doesn't seem to be having much fun.

  I turn towards Draven and Mistress. Mistress is sitting in a chair beside the loveseat that Draven is on. Her head rests on her hand as she sits cross legged in the chair. Draven is still sitting in his relaxed position but his eyes have a tint of the glowing yellow around the edges, his more demonic personality is wanting to surface. I tug my pants down my legs before tossing them to the side, leaving me in my underwear. I continue to dance to the music, hearing a few demonic growls or howls when I dip my body. I feel small hands on my hips making me jump slightly. Mistress is behind me trying to get me to go forward. Once we are off the coffee table she gently shoves me towards Draven.

"Come on honey, give us a show." As she goes back to her seat she knocks Dravens foot back to the ground so I can dance between his legs. I take another deep breath as I grab his hands and place them on my hips. I turn from him as I slowly move my hands from his and up my own body. I hear Mistress let out a small mm noise as Draven jerks me back into his lap with my back against his chest. His hands are on my stomach as I twist until I straddle him. His eyes dim down to brown then switches to blue as his hands hold onto my thighs. I reach around to unclasp my bra but he grabs my hand and kisses my shoulder. He turns his gaze back to Mistress.

"Have you had your fun?"

"Don't you ever let lose? It was just getting good!" She calls out looking a little disappointed. Draven slides my flannel on my arms as he pulls my legs so I'm laying on the couch with my legs over his lap.

"No one, and I mean no one, sees my little fairy naked besides me. You got your playtime Mistress, and now it's time for business," he says never once losing eye contact with her. Her gaze flickers to my pale legs. She licks hers lips before sighing.

"Can't I have a little taste?" She asks walking over to us. She leans down to Draven before kissing him. I can feel my heart leap when she does. He pulls back from her, his eyes flowing gold with the red lines as he hisses at her. She walks towards me, her hand sliding across my slightly exposed collarbones from the flannel.

  Suddenly she grabs my chin before pecking my lips and letting out the almost familiar hum of approval. "Sweet, sweet little fairy with the big bad demon. I just love the idea," she says while walking to the door behind the loveseat. "Come along Draven. Tamara, make sure no body touches the Fairy."

  Draven lifts my legs before he stands up and leans towards me. He nudges my head up with his fingers and presses his lips against mine roughly. Once he moves back he sends a hiss towards the group of demons and showing off his forked tongue. He gives me one last look before disappearing into the other room.


  I slip on my pajamas before brushing my hair. The entire ride home we didn't speak at all, even though it is killing me inside to know what they talked about. I did dance and strip for him. Plus I kissed Mistress, I should get major bonus points for that. Mom looked concerned when we walked back in the house since she just got off a late shift. Cirrus and dad haven't even made it back for the night.

  I climb into my bed with a sigh. Draven hardly looked at me when we were in the car. After he came out of the room he gathered my clothes, said bye, and dragged me to the car.

"What are you thinking of?" Draven asks as he opens my bedroom door with fast food bags in hand.

"How I can't believe I just danced my ass off for you," I say while holding my hands out. He shuts my door with his foot before walking over and setting the drinks on my table.

"I got you food," he answers dismissively. I roll my eyes while digging for my food.

"Doesn't excuse the fact I stripped for you!" I shout through a mouthful of burger.

"You did it wonderfully though. Almost like a pro."

"Almost?" I ask, tasing an eyebrow in question. "Did you know that's what they wanted me to do?"


"You did!"

"Well, I didn't think she would make you strip but it was a nice touc- ouch!"

  The sting in my hand makes me grin is satisfaction. He looks at me stunned that I just slapped him across the face. "Oh come on! Jezza, you loved that attention those demons were giving you!"

"I was not."

"You're a fairy, fairies love attention!" He says. I send him a death glare making him sigh. "But I should've been more open about what I was getting you into."

"Damn right," I mutter before I go to finish my food and we don't talk as we eat. Did I like the attention? He does have a point about fairies being attention hogs, we all tend to fight for being the main focus. Typically the closer to royalty you are the more attention you want. I start to think of the demons faces when I was dancing, when I had all of their undivided attention. It made me feel more confident instead of embarrassed like normal. The reactions from Zumm and Haver and Dravens soften glare. Deep down I know how I truly felt about it.

"I loved it," I whisper. It was barely above my breath but Dravens head snaps back to me when I say it.

"You what?" He asks with a grin clawing at his face. I send him yet another look making him chuckle and shake his head. He sets the trash off beside my bed before laying beside me. "I know we all loved watching you do it."

"Draven," I warn making him smile.

"If It were just you and I when you were doing that surely wouldn't have stopped you," he teases. I slap his arm making him laugh. He starts to play with my hair while humming that lullaby.

"Better not let my father hear you speaking like that," I mumble after a yawn. I sink down into my covers as my eyes start to get heavy.

"Goodnight my little fairy."

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