Chapter Thirty~Eight

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     Wrapping the towel around me I walk to my vanity. Yara walks over to me from the mannequin that has my dress on. She gently rubs at my spine. "Imagine your wings not to be there, imagine them resting, invisible," she whispers while moving her hands down my spine and back up. I let myself relax and watch as my wings seem to disappear. I unpin my hair before we start undoing the braids to show curls. Next she helps me with my makeup.

  It's tradition for the current queen or king to help their heir prepare to be crowned. Since this morning Yara has been helping me prepare and it started with a hot bath to help ease the area where my wings come from. They believe that since I am half human that my body was preventing my wings from emerging but me free falling to my death cause a fight or flight reaction and tore my back open to sprout my wings. So yeah, my back is hella sore today and the bath helped repair and relax.

  After make up she assists me into the ridiculously long deep maroon dress. The dress is tight around the bodice until about mid thigh before it softly flows out and the sleeves reach right before my elbows. The train of the dress seems to flow forever behind me even with my black six inch heels on. I stand in front of the mirror as she fluffs the dress out from my feet. She stands before smiling at me.

"Draven knee what looked amazing on you didn't he?" She wonders out loud. I just swallow while nodding my head in agreement. She escorts me down to the main entrance to the thrown room. She goes along the train of the dress once again for final touches. She gives me a reassuring smile while adjusting a few curls. "Good luck," she mutters before walking away so that she can go through a side entrance to take her seat in the thrown for the last time.

I can feel the excitement buzz through the air and people muttering despite the thick doors blocking me from them. After the fight, Draga and my father took me back to my room to patch me up and help me bathe. The day after I was so sore I couldn't hardly move so I was subjected to hot rocks on my back. I am four days from the fight and it's almost Christmas.

I let my hands rest laced against my stomach as I wait for the doors to open. I hear the voices lower before they stop all together and a muffled booming voice comes through. My uncle is making a speech. Nervously I look over at the brightly colored flowers on either side of the entrance. The doors slowly open making me drop my hands to my sides while looking forward. From what I can tell there are benches made from trees and stumps and it seems as if thousands of Fey are shoved into the grand room. There are flowers lining the aisle and streaming across the glass ceiling. Before me is a long white and gold rug and on the opposite end is Uri and Yara waiting, who both nod at me.

Slowly and confidently I start to walk towards the couple. I can feel everyone staring at me as I glide across the floor with the best posture I can muster. In my head I keep thinking heel, toe, heel, toe so I won't trip and humiliate myself. Nothing says Queen material like face planting on your coronation day, huh?

Once I reach the steps to the platform, Uri helps me up the stairs before making take the vowel of leadership. Afterwards he helps me down on my knees before turning to Yara. She is holding a black crown in her hands. Almost instantly I recognize it which makes me frown, it's normally only used when we know we will go to war. It's made of a strong metal that has triangled points and between each point is a dark crystal. Around the side and back of the crown drapes some connected chains that have their own crystals hanging from them.

"As most of you are aware what this crown means I will explain again

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"As most of you are aware what this crown means I will explain again. This crown has only ever been used when we Fey know that we must go to war. A war is approaching and we must prepare," he calls out. Yara settles the crown on my head with a smile gracing her face. "Rise Queen Jezza," he calls out before helping me stand.

"Long live Queen Jezza!"


"Thank you mom," I say while wrapping my arms around her shoulders. She wraps her arms around me while muttering how proud she is of me. She was allowed to come due to it being a holiday. Yara and Uri took off towards one of the more distant sections of the kingdom for a vacation, which they honestly needed.

"My daughter is a Queen," she mutters with a smile. She lets her hand rub around my bare shoulder with a sigh. "With such beautiful dresses."

  The dress I am currently wearing is a black spaghetti strapped one. The bottom of the dress is black with gold and other warm colored flowers. Over my stomach is a black mesh type fabric. I am still wearing the War Crown as well.

"Yara likes to have me tailored for my dresses," I mutter while shoving the wrapping paper away from me

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"Yara likes to have me tailored for my dresses," I mutter while shoving the wrapping paper away from me. She looks over at the small pile of open presents we have for her while shaking her head.

"You're going to spoil me Jezza," she adds, shaking her head.

"I don't see that as a bad thing mother."

"Draga, is she spoiling you too?"

"You know she is Racheal," Draga calls out while examining a dress I had our tailor make for her. "I don't mind though, it reminds me of my brothers. Between the two of them I was very, very spoiled."

"And an alphas daughter," I add making her smile. She gets a distant look on her face as she seems to think back to her family. "They loved me so much. It pains me to think that our history says I killed my eldest brother."

"I find it hard to believe that you could have. You seem to care for them immensely," I state while playfully throwing some wrapping paper at her. Suddenly, the doors open as two knights run in. They quickly bow towards me before standing back at attention.

"Your highness, there seems to have been a breach," one of them says. I clear my throat before answering.

"What do you mean?"

"Towards on of the eastern entrances there have been reports of some quick blurs shoot by. No one has been killed but there has been some damages to some properties. It seems as if whatever it is, is heading directly here," he quickly explains. I stand up while pointing to the second guard.

"Stay with my mother," I order while Draga and the other knight was with me. My head towards the front of the castle. Once we start going down the front steps outside I can hear a thundering pounding heading towards us. Another knight hands me my sword as I wait at the foot of the steps with Draga.

"Something isn't right," Draga whispers. She seems to be uncomfortable and on edge as the thundering noise gets closer. Her hand rests on my shoulder in worry. Suddenly a large black wolf jumps out of the woods with several others ready in an attack position behind him.

"Draga," I call out but she just stares at them. The black wolf slowly shifts to show a tall, blonde, tan male. Draga gasps as the man steps towards us. A sinking feels settles in my stomach as I take a step back.

"It's time to come home," his deep voice commands. Draga takes a step forward.


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