(Chpt.6-07) The Breakup💔

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Chapter Six
-The Breakup-
"What happened after that? Was it over or...?"

"Nah it was over. She just didn't confirm it right away, but....she still made it clear that it was. I knew it was by they way she was crying in his office. I hated the idea but....what did I expect right. I was so fucking stupid to think she'd still be with me after that, but I was selfish. I still am til this day when it comes to her. I never wanted to lose her........ever"

~After the blow out at school that day, it was just never the same

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After the blow out at school that day, it was just never the same. I was never the same. It was nearing the end of the semester, where I was supposed to be graduating from school entirely. Prom was coming up again and I should've been happy looking forward to it.

But I wasn't. Instead I became a shell of myself and didn't bother to talk to people. The first few weeks without her....was so hard for a nigga. Knowin' she was the best and the one I really had at the end of the day. I really fucked up and I only have myself to blame for it. Because yes, I tore us up completely. I ripped open the wound when it was just only a simple cut in the skin. ...I was the loser out of all this. I lost out.

I used to see her in the hallways and watched her turn her head not to look at me as we past. She never engaged in eye contact after it all and even moved her seat in our one class together. And everyone knew we weren't the same anymore, my friends just couldn't get used to the new me. I was so down in the dumps, you'd think I lost everything. But in my reality, I did.

"So....y'all really over huh?" Kareem asked, looking up from his food tray.

I shrugged my shoulders in response, covering my face not to show them the tears that tried to fall.

"I'm sorry man,....I can see it's really hard for you.."

"I gotta go man,...I'll just see y'all later or something" I said, standing to my feet.

And from there, I left and sat in the empty classes I had next in the day. Crying softly to myself because I really didn't want my guys to see me so broken like this. But I guess I wasn't shit without her,....a king ain't a king without his queen.

:: More Weeks Later ::

Prom came up sooner than expected. Maybe because I was too busy with trying to recover from all the shit with Dyme most of time. She still wouldn't talk to me, or even look at me just for a second. No matter how much I tried to create a scenario for her to talk to me....it just never went as planned. Just like the whole prom situation.

My stupid-ass thought she was really going to show up too. Why did I ever convince myself that she would? I guess I just really wanted her to. That way I would've seen how beautiful she would've been if she was my date.

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