Lover Boy.

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Riley's P.O.V

It's been four years since Maya left. Farkle has given up hope but I refuse to believe that Maya will never come back. We're in high school now and we gained more friends. We have Lucas, Isadora Smackle or just Smackle and Zay.

Me and Farkle were sitting in our seats waiting for the gang to join in class I grabbed the letter that Maya gave me and Farkle before she left. I started at it until Farkle spoke.

"She's not coming back Riley." Farkle said I sighed. I knew he was right.

"You wanna open them now?" He asked

"yeah" I said. Farkle grabbed his letter and our friends walked In

"so your officially giving up hope?" Smackle asked. I looked over to Farkle

"yeah" i said and I looked back at the letter.

My dad walked in as I opened the letter

"read it out loud Riley. It'll help trust me" my dad said. I looked up at him the down at the letter and I saw Maya's name. I sighed and started to read it aloud to him

"Dear Honey, hey it's me. I'm sorry I didn't tell you that I was leaving but I couldn't. But since you've given up hope I suppose you should know why I left. Mum has fallen sick so I'm staying with my dad for a while" I said.

"Ha, if only that we're true. The truth is, mum got a job in Cali. And I have to go with her. I wish I could stay with you and the Matthews but I can't. Love you Honey. From Peaches" I said and a tear escaped my eye.

"What about yours Farkle?" I asked Farkle he chuckled before reading it out loud

"dear Minkus, Riley will tell you what I wrote her so I'm writing something different for you. Take care of Riley for me" He started.

"Make sure she doesn't give up hope on everyone. Not everyone is going to leave, I wish I didn't and I haven't even left yet, anyway. Take care of her, or I will jack you up son, love ya Farklely. From Penelope" Farkle read out.

"So that's it? She's never coming back?" I asked

"Maybe not never, she might come back someday" my dad said. I looked up at him and the door opened. I looked at the door and saw a short blonde.

"Peaches?" I asked. The blonde smiled at me.

"Maya!?" Farkle asked

"hi" she said. Me and Farkle got out of our seats and ran to her. We hugged her and she hugged us back. When we pulled back from the hug I got a closer look at her. She was in a black crop top and ripped up jeans.

"You're back!" I screamed.

"Indeed I am" Maya said

"Miss Hart, how wonderful to see you again" My dad said. Maya turned towards him and she smiled

"Matthews" she said. They hugged and dad smiled.

"Okay, now that I'm back is there anything I should know about? I know you probably have new friends that would think that it's weird for me to just turn up out of the blue but I really-" I cut Maya off

"breath Peaches"  i said.

"Right, yes" Maya said

"we have three new friends, Isaiah Babieaux" Farkle said. Zay walked up to us

"Blondie" he said and he extended his hand out and Maya shock it.

"We call him Zay for short" I add

"nice to met you Zay" Maya said.

"There's Isadora Smackle, or Smackle for short" Farkle said and Smackle walked towards Maya.

"It's nice to met your Acquaintance" Smackle said, Maya and Smackle shake hands

"nice to met you too" Maya said.

"And finally Lucas, he arrived the day after you left" I said. Lucas walked towards Maya, Maya gasped 

"hello" Lucas said he started at her like he had seen her before and so did she

Maya pulled  him closer using his collar. She whispered something into his ear but I couldn't hear it.

Third person.

'Maya'. Pulled Lucas by the collar and whispered

"She's here lover boy" she said and she pushed him back.

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