Months later

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Months later and Riley still hasn't heard from Maya or Lucas.

Months later and Maya is pacing her room, trying to figure out a way to escape.

Most of the people at Auradon prep have been bullying Maya, all because they found out who her father is. No one has even thought about bullying Evie.

Evie and Maya's father is the one and only Rumpelstiltskin. Maya needed a way out of Auradon and she finally found one.

One day while everyone was celebrating Mal and Bens one year anniversary Maya slipped out of the party and ran. She got a car and then she drove to New York the only place where no one knew her real father.

The next day Evie ran to the boys room, they had a massive sleepover the night before.

"Maya's gone missing!" She said as she opened the door.

"What?" The boys groaned as they just woke up.

"She's gone Missing, she isn't anywhere! And I didn't see her after the party yesterday" Evie said, she started pacing the room.

"Maybe she went back to New York, she did promise Riley she would come back" Ben said

"But why didn't she tell us?" Evie asked

"Maybe she just wanted to go alone" Jay said.

"But she should've told someone, she should've told me I'm her sister for gods sake" Evie said.

"Hey Evie it's okay we'll find her" Lucas said.

"B-but what if she didn't run away? W-What if she was kidnapped o-or worse. What if she's dead!" Evie said rather loudly.  Jay stood up and held her hands.

"Me and the guys will start looking for Maya right now okay. You go to Mal and you two relax. We will find her Evie" Jay said Evie smiled slightly.

"But promise me as soon as you get news about her you tell me first" Evie said.

"Of course" Jay said. Evie then walked back to her dorm. All the boys got ready and headed to the car garage.

"Sir there's a car missing" one of the guards said to Ben.

"Maybe that was Maya" Carlos said. They hopped in one of the cars and drove to New York.


Maya was nearly there. She wasn't that far away from New York be she pulled her car to the side and she slept for a bit.

She woke up to someone knocking on the car window. She carefully crawled to the door and opened it. There she saw a tall but handsome guy.

"Hey, I saw you saw you and thought something bad might happened so I stayed and made sure you were safe" said the guy.

"Oh uh thanks" Maya said.

"Why are you asleep in your car anyway?" The guy asked

"It's actually my best friends boyfriends car." Maya said,

"I'm Bradley by the way" the guy said.

"Maya." Maya said and then her phone rung. She quickly grabbed it and saw that Lucas was calling her, she smiled then answered the phone.

"Hey" Maya said

"Hey Maya, were are you? I'm worried" Lucas asked

"Uh I'm nearly at New York. We can meet up there if you want?" Maya asked

"Sure babe but next time tell Evie she was worried sick" Lucas said.

"I'll remember that next time I decide to run away. I'll see you when you get here" Maya said

"See you. I love you" Lucas said

"I love you too" Maya said and they hung up.

"Who was that?" Bradley asked

"My boyfriend" Maya said with a smile. Bradley's smile fell.

"You didn't think I had a boyfriend did you?" Maya asked

"No" Bradley said

"Well sorry dude but I'm taken" Maya said her legs were dangling out of the car.

"Well your right about that" Bradley said and suddenly everything went black for Maya.

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