Shes Awake

458 14 3

Third Person

It's been three days and Maya is still passed out on the couch.

"This calls for diaristic measures" Mal said as she grabbed a bag that she had been carrying with her everywhere.

"Is it safe Mal? Won't she find us?" Carlos asked.

"Yes it's safe. And maybe my mum will find us but I need to save Maya" Mal said.

Evie has been by Maya's side the entire time Maya has been asleep. Mal can't deal with her best friend being this upset she needed to do something

Mal pulled out her spell book and walked towards Maya. Everyone crowded around her.

Mal said a couple of words and waved her hand across Maya. Then they waited.

Moments past and nothing happened.

"I didn't work" Mal said.

"How didn't it work?" Riley asked.

"I-I don't know it was supposed to work why didn't it work!" Mal asked. They were all silenced when they heard a loud gasp.

They turned towards Maya and saw she was awake.

"Maya!" Evie said and she hugged her sister, Maya hugged back.

"What happened? Why are we back here?" Maya asked.

"You fainted. So we brought you here" Evie said.

"Has Maleficent found us?" Maya asked.

"No. We're safe. She hasn't found us" Carlos said

Maya once again hugged Evie.

"I thought I lost you" Evie said

"You would never lose me. I would never let that happen, your my sister. We are family Evie" Maya said.

Mal kneeled down next to them Maya hugged Mal.

"Thank you" Maya said.

"No. Thank you for not dying on us. I got worried" Mal said.

"Well everyone needs a dramatic cliffhanger in their life to keep them on their feet" Maya said,

"I agree" Mal said and they laughed as they pulled away from the hug.

"So what now?" Jay asked.

"I don't know. We stay alive I guess. We prepare for the battle coming to Auradon and we get that wand back" Maya said.

"Let's start planning then" Carlos said,

"But we need to be careful, if she catches you we are all screwed" Lucas said. Maya looked up at him and smiled. She stood up and ran to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. And he kissed back.

Once they pulled back Maya rested her head in the crock of his neck,

"I'm sorry for leaving you again" Maya said.

"I'm sorry for not telling you I was alive" Lucas said.

"I really thought she killed you. I cried for a week" Maya said.

"You know I love you" Lucas said.

"I love you too" Maya said

"Excuse us but we need to keep you safe" Mal said.

Maya and Lucas pulled away from each other awkwardly

"Right yes save me so I don't die. got it"

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