The Kiss

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Third Person

"Maya why did we have to leave? This could be the cause of your... your death" Mal said.

"I couldn't stay there. Farkle hates me because I left. Believe me I would too" Maya said.

"Then why'd you leave again?" Carlos asked.

"Because the longer I stayed there the more I put them in danger" Maya said.

"But your putting yourself in more danger by leaving Lucas" Jay said

"I promised him I would come back" Maya said.

"So he really is Lucas from home? Not his doppelgänger?" Evie asked.

"Yeah. He's really My Lucas" Maya said

"But why'd you leave him?" Mal asked.

"I thought he died because of Maleficent I can't bare to see him die because of me" Maya said

"How did Lucas survive Maleficents attack?" Jay asked.

"I don't know, I didn't ask. But he told me that Ben saved him" Maya said

"Maybe we should go back" Evie said,

"Oh yeah cause that's going to go well. 'Maya where did you guys go?' 'Oh we just tried to run away again and then decided to come back'" Maya said.

"All I'm saying is maybe it isn't the worst plan" Evie said.

"Maybe so, but what about Riley and Farkle? Farkle doesn't want me talking to either of them" Maya said.

"Let's just find somewhere to sleep for tonight. Tomorrow we can talk more" Carlos said and they walked further into the forest. They still weren't far away from Lucas's house.

As they walked Maya's vision started to get blurry, she didn't think much of it as it was foggy that night.

Suddenly there was a loud thud. Everyone turned around to see Maya laying down on the forest floor.

"MAYA!?" Evie said as she ran to her said.

"What happened to her?" Mal asked. The boys walked towards them.

"I don't know" Carlos said.

"What are we going to do?" Evie asked as tears cascaded down her face,

"We need to get back to Lucas. Maybe he'll know what to do" Jay said. He picked up Maya bridal style. Even refused to let go of Maya's hand.

The walked back to Lucas's house. The sun was starting to rise.

Mal furiously knocked on the door, eventually waking up everyone in the house.

Lucas opened the door this time he had a shirt on. He took one look at Maya and gasped.

"What happened to her?" Lucas asked. He led them to the couch were Jay placed Maya down. Evie was still holding her hand. She sat down next to Maya.

"We don't know. She just fainted" Mal said.

"What are we going to do?" Evie asked quietly. Mal ran to her side and hugged her.

Not even a moment later Riley, Smackle, Farkle and Zay walked into the living room.

"Oh my god." Farkle said.

"Maya!" Riley said as she ran to her side. Evie was still crying.

"What's wrong with her?" Smackle asked.

"We don't know" Carlos said. He came and sat down next to the girls, Jay joined them.

Farkle placed his hand on Riley's shoulder. Riley turned around and hugged him.

"Maya don't leave me" Evie whispered.

"I won't allow her to Evie. We've face Maleficent. I'm sure we can face this" Mal said.

"Does she have a pulse?" Zay asked.

"Of course she has a pulse." Jay said.

"Lucas you have to do something!" Evie said.

"What am I supposed to do?" Lucas asked as he approached them, he tried not to let the tears fall.

"I don't know, true loves kiss? Just do something!" Evie said.

"True loves kiss? They barely know each other" Riley said.

"No. I've known Maya all her life" Lucas said,

"They're in love" Mal said,

"Which is why True loves kiss might work! Lucas do it! Please! Save Maya" Evie said.

Lucas slowly approached Maya. He lowered himself so he could see her beautiful face.

He gently got closer then carefully placed his lips on Maya's. Hoping something would happen

Once he pulled away everyone looked.

"Well did it work?" Mal asked.

"I don't know" Lucas said as he slowly backed away.

"It worked for Snow White and a Prince Charming" Jay said.

"I'm not either of them" Lucas said.

"But then... what are we going to do?" Evie asked. She got closer to Maya and hugged her.

"I don't know" Mal said,

"But we will save her" Mal added.

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