What Happened?

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Third person

Maya was currently standing next to Riley while she talked about her friends and what she had been up to, Maya wasn't really listening she was focussing on why she left California.

"Maya?" Riley asked

"Yeah?" Maya asked

"did you hear a word I just said?" Riley asked

"not really" Maya said

"why not?" Riley asked

"I was thinking about something" Maya said and Riley giggled

"what's so funny?" Maya asked

"You don't think, you just act" Riley said

"I'm sorry what?" Maya asked

"well last time I saw you, you wouldn't think of anything you would just act" Riley said

"well I've changed riles, now I think more. Actually I'm quite smart" Maya said.

Riley giggled again and this time Mr Matthews noticed

"Riley why are you laughing at Maya?" He asked, Farkle, Smackle, Zay and Lucas faced Riley.

"Maya said she's quite smart. That's not the Maya I know" Riley said.

"Actually Riley, Maya has gotten straight A's for three years now" Mr Matthews said and farkles jaw dropped

"Maya that's wonderful!" Farkle said

"I realised that if I wanted to get somewhere in life I needed to study and so I did" Maya said and she smiled.

"Wait, so you're not joking?" Riley asked

"why would I?" Maya asked

"the Maya I used to know would always joke about being smart. You're not the Maya I used to know" Riley said

"of course I'm not that Maya anymore Riley, I've changed" Maya said.

"And you've changed too so don't say I'm the only one who has changed" Maya said

"and how have I changed?" Riley asked as she crossed her arms, Farkle, Lucas, zay and Smackle walked to up to them so they could see what was happening

"The Riley I used to know always wanted me to be smarter. And now I am and you seem to hate it" Maya said

"that's because you've changed! What's next you have a boyfriend?" Riley asked

"actually I broke up with my boyfriend two weeks ago" Maya said.

Riley's jaw dropped.

"Yeah, you're not the only person guys look at Riley." Maya said.

"What has gotten into you Maya. What happened?" Riley asked

"I changed. People change people. Secret of life. I moved and met new people they changed me Riley" Maya said.

"And if you don't like me now you're going to hate me tomorrow" Maya said

"why?" Riley asked

"it's a surprise" Maya said sarcastically. Then her phone rang. She grabbed it out of her pocket and answered it.

"And you have a phone now too?" Riley asked and Maya shushed her.

"Hello?" Maya asked

. "Okay," Maya said

"love you too. Bye" Maya said and she hung up.

"Who was that?" Farkle asked

"it was my....mum yeah... my mum" Maya said with a smile.

"You have a phone!?" Riley asked

"yes, I do. What's wrong with that?" Maya asked

"you couldn't afford a phone before you left" Riley said

"that's true. But Shawn bought me it for my birthday" Maya said

"My uncle Shawn?" Riley asked.

"Yeah he's my step dad" Maya said

"any way, I need to get going. I'll see you all tomorrow" Maya said and she left. Everyone faced Riley

. "I thought you said she was nice" Zay sad

"she was" Riley said "you can't blame Maya for that Riley" Farkle said. Everyone looked at him.

"You were the one who didn't accept her for who she is now. She just changed Riley. What did you except? Do you want Maya to be the same broken girl she was four years ago?" Farkle asked.

"Farkle did you see how much she changed? She's not my Maya" Riley said.

"Why do you want her to be the old Maya? Maya is clearly happy now why can't you just accept it? Be happy for her Riley" Farkle said

"Farkle is right you know Riley" Lucas said.

"Fine. But if I don't like her tomorrow you can't except me to change my mind" Riley said

"Deal" Farkle said

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