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This chapter used to be Chapter 1 but has now been changed to the prologue! Enjoy!

Chapter 1: Edited

Two Months Ago

"Lena Abigail Mercer, where the hell did you go?" Raina Mercer yelled through my phone. I gulped at the tone of her voice, she was angry.

I hated being yelled at by my mom. Whenever she did yell at me, I always felt disappointed in myself and that I've failed her. "I was at the bonfire Katie Martin threw," I said hesitantly scared of her response.

She didn't say anything for a solid minute. "Why did you go?" She asked calmly but I could tell she was hiding her anger.

I threw my free hand in the cool and crisp air as I walked in the woods looking for a familiar spot to tell where I am at. So far all I've seen is trees and the occasional bird. "Because I'm tired of sitting at home on my birthday. I just wanted to have fun with my friends."

"You could have just asked instead of sneaking out." Mom stated.

"And what would you have said?" I questioned.

Mom hesitated before she spoke. "That's beside the point." I sighed and like she ignored my question I ignored her answer. "Where are you?" She asked.

I walked a bit further in the woods until I came upon a road. Looking around I saw the 'Welcome to Stormy Brooks' sign. "I'm at the welcome sign," I told her.

I heard mom sigh. "Stay right there Lena I'm coming to get you." I nodded my head, but I knew she couldn't see me. It was more out of habit.

I hung up the phone and went to stand by the sign which was located on the other side of the road. I shivered as the night air whipped all around me. I clutched my coat tighter around my body for warmth.

It was only September but in Stormy Brooks, it had always been a bit cooler in September compared to other places. My medium brown hair flew behind me in the gentle breeze. I focused my hazel eyes upwards to the night sky. The stars shined brightly just like the moon in its third quarter phase. The air tasted like rain was coming and there were a few clouds in the sky.

As I waited I thought about the situation at hand. I had wanted to go to the bonfire to hang out with my friends for my birthday but knowing my parents they would have said no. So, I didn't ask, and I snuck out of the house. I walked a few houses down and saw that Katie, the one who threw the party, had come to get me much to my surprise.

I had left the bonfire about twenty minutes ago because it had got a bit out of control and I really did not want to explain to my parents why I was at the police station and why had I snuck out of the house.

I am not sure how many minutes had passed when I check my phone to see if mom had sent me a text or had called me. Nothing. I huffed and slipped my phone into my back pocket. Where is she? I thought.

Not even thirty seconds later I heard my phone ring. Quickly slipping it out of my pocket I looked at the number. It wasn't mom's. Hesitantly I hit the answer button and put the phone to my ear. "Hello?" I asked.

"Hello, is this Lena Mercer?" A voice said in a concerning tone. This got me worried, did something happen?

"Yes, this is she," I said.

"I'm Lily Tanner a nurse at Stormy Brooks Medical Center and I'm calling you because your mother, Raina Mercer, was in an accident about ten minutes ago." She said, her voice laced with pity. My heart hammered in my chest and I exhaled a deep breath I hadn't realized I was holding.

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