~Chapter 11: Protection of Those I Love~

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Waking up the next morning, I found myself curled up beside someone and their arm was draped over my waist holding me close to them. My head was resting on their chest. Panic set in quickly at this realization. Questions ran through my mind at the current situation. Why is Mack home? Why am I not bruised to a pulp? Why is he holding me?

I move and angle myself as to where I could get a good look at the person holding me. I freeze when I realize that it is not Mack but Zach! Memories of last night or rather just a few hours ago rushed to my head as I try to calm down. It's not Mack but being in this position with Zach is no better. I thought.

I tried to move as discretely as possible to not wake Zach up but to no avail, I couldn't move out of Zach's tight grip. "Zach," I said trying to get him to wake up but all he did was tighten his grip on me more and bury his face in my neck. I shoved my arms against his chest and shouted louder this time. "Zach wake up!"

"Five more minutes," He said in a tired voice that was almost incoherent.

I rolled my eyes and yelled at him louder this time. "Zach if you don't get up, I'm going to hit you." I knew I wouldn't atone to violence on someone as I wouldn't want them to feel what I must feel at home.

"I'd like to see you try princess," Zach said in a much more awake voice. I knew without seeing his face that he was smirking at the situation. "A small little girl like you couldn't possibly hurt someone like me."

His last words fueled my anger and the next thing I knew I punched him in the gut which caused him to release his grip around me to protect himself. "Shit!" Zach shouted in pain. Once I was free, I moved away from him and just glared at what he assumed.

"I told you I'd hit you if you didn't comply," I said in an angry tone.

Zach looked up at me. "Look princess, I'm sorry for what I said. I didn't mean to offend you in any way, I promise." After about a minute of us looking at each other, my anger subdued, and reality finally caught up with me.

I hit someone. Just because they didn't listen to me and I swung at them for no reason! After all, I've been through these last few months it seems that it has taken an effect on me. Turning me into my father. My eyes widened at this realization and it quickly changed to a guilty look. I will not become my father! No way in hell!

"Princess?" Zach said breaking me from my inner thoughts. "Are you okay?"

I rolled my eyes and hid what I had just discovered. "What did I say about you calling me princess? Also, yes, I am fine. I was just thinking is all." I told him. "Plus, shouldn't I be asking you that question, I was the one who hit you."

"Yes, Lena, but I was the one who provoked you into hitting me," Zach said emphasizing my name. "I deserved it, so I'll accept the pain you've caused upon me." I still wasn't happy with myself at what I had done, and it seemed Zach could sense that. "I'm fine okay? Are we good?"

A small smile broke out on my face. "Okay, yes we are good I suppose."

"Good. Now—" Zach began to speak but my phone dinged. I reached over to grab it off the bedside table and saw I had gotten a message.

It was from Mack. I felt all the color drain from my face as I tapped on the message curious and afraid of what it contained. The first thing that popped up was a picture. It was a picture of me and Zach cuddled in my bed exactly how we were when I woke up this morning. There was a message attached.

If you don't want this to get out to dear dad, I suggest you stop hanging out with any and all friends you have made here in West Fields. Who knows what dad would do if something accidentally slipped out to one of these low lives? Think about it dear sister and maybe you'll live until the end of the year. – Mack

"Lena?" Zach said catching my attention. "Is something going on? You look like you've just seen a ghost." He reached out and grabbed one of my arms as if he was going to harm me, but his touch was gentle instead.

I lock my phone and put on my best calm expression. "No, no, everything is fine."

"You don't sound fine," He said bluntly. "You look afraid."

"Yes, I'm fine!" I said snapping a little at him. "You don't need to worry about me twenty-four seven. I'm not some helpless dainty girl that needs saving!" Even though I want to be saved more than ever, if this is how I keep Zach and the others safe by pushing them away then I will.

Zach narrowed his eyes at me. "Sorry for acting that I cared then," Zach said coolly. "Don't expect me to do that again." After his statement, he got up off my bed and left the room, and slamming the door in the process. I flinched when it shut.

I wrapped my arms around myself and released a breath I hadn't realized I was holding. Good. I thought. The fewer people involved the better. After a few minutes, I got out of bed and changed my clothes. I put on a simple black shirt with a grey jacket and a pair of jeans. I slipped on my old ratty converse and left the room.

I headed downstairs to see if there was anything breakfast the eat. On my way into the kitchen, I ran into Diana. "Oh, good morning Lena. I wasn't expecting you to be up yet after all of these events that have taken place."

I gave her a small smile. "Old habits die hard I guess," I told her. She hummed in agreement.

"Would you like any breakfast?" She asked as she scrambled some eggs. "Zach didn't want anything and seemed to have left in a hurry to get somewhere."

"Yeah, that may have been my fault. We got into an argument this morning is all." I explained but did not go into full detail.

Diana then handed me a plate with eggs sausages and a stake of pancakes. "Must have been some argument then. Zach hardly ever storms out of the house like that. The last time that happened is when his father left."

"His father left?" I questioned. That explains why I haven't met him, or I haven't seen him around anyway.

"Well." Diana began. "It was more like I kicked him out after all he had done to Zach and myself whether it was intentional or not."

Hm? I thought. Maybe that explains the bad boy persona he seems to portray around others and at school, but who knows, there could be more of a reason behind it. I saved this conversation for a later date and decided to change the topic. "So, what do you plan on doing today?" I asked moving on.

"Nothing much, but please be careful wherever you go. I don't want you to get into any more trouble, you here?" She said pointing a finger at me. "Also, as the doctor recommended you don't go back to school until your father and brother return. That'll be enough time to ensure that nothing else is wrong after your accident."

"Yes ma'am," I said and we said in comfortable silence eating our breakfast. While eating I heard my phone ding from inside my pocket. I took it out to see there was another message from Mack. Will he ever stop? I questioned.

Lena, as you know we will be home in a few days, more specifically early Wednesday morning. I am highly suggesting you are there when we wake up with everything ready for the day or there will be consequences. –Mack.

I quickly typed out a response saying okay before putting my phone back up. "Is everything okay?" Diana asked. Mother like son I thought.

"Yeah, that was just Mack checking up on me is all," I told her with a shrug of my shoulders. "No big deal." Diana gave me a small smile, but I could tell it was not real as it did not reach her eyes.

"Yes, I suppose so."

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