~ Chapter 7: Moving Into Hell? ~

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I was scared when the bell rang signaling that school was over. Not only did I have nowhere to hide from Mack but I also had to deal with Zach too. I don't know what he is capable of doing. He seems to act just like my

0 brother. I'd rather be at home than be stuck with Mack and Zach because at least when I'm at home I know what to expect.

We arrived home fairly quickly and Mack didn't say one word to me through the whole trip. "Go and pack quickly." He said as he opened our front door. "You know the consequences."

I hurried past him and upstairs into my room. Since I hadn't had time to unpack anything I dug through some boxes to find clothes that will last me at least a month. After about ten minutes I came downstairs with my bag and I saw Mack waiting for me. "I expect you to be faster next time." He snapped. "Let's go."

I didn't say a word and headed towards the car. We weren't in the car for long, maybe about three minutes, before Mack was pulling into a driveway. Glancing around I noticed we were still on the same road our house was on. I guess they live a few houses down. I thought.

We grabbed our bags and headed to the door of Zach's house. His house looked huge compared to ours, but I think it was just because it was wider. They were both two stories as far as I could tell. In the front of the house was a beautiful garden filled with all sorts of flowers. I can already tell that was not Zach's doing but it could be his mother's.

Mack rang the doorbell. She had a smile on her face. "You must be Mack and Lena. I'm Diana Holt. Come on in."

Diana stepped aside and let us enter the house. The entryway was decorated with various pictures and a bookcase. It was open and led to a cozy looking living room. "Thank you for letting us stay here Mrs. Holt," I said.

"Just call me Diana sweetheart," Diana said as she showed us through the first floor of the house. Once we were done touring the house Diana led us back to the living room.

"I'll go get Zach. He is probably in his room." With that, Diana headed up the stairs that were in the living room that led to the second floor.

Not even after a second Diana disappeared upstairs, Mack yanked my arm cause pain to shoot through my body. I held back a scream not wanting Zach or Diana to hear. "Now, you're going to be on your best behavior bitch. If you don't, dad will not be happy to hear about that and you can guarantee he will be a lot worse than he has been." Mack barked his threat.

I tried to speak but I couldn't get my mouth to form any words. I just nodded my head. Mack let go of my hand and shoved me away from him. I stumped a bit and fell over, my butt hit the floor with a thud. I heard footsteps come down the stairs.

Diana saw me on the floor and her face got filled with concern. "Lena are you alright?" She said rushing over to help me up.

I didn't know what to say but a quick glare from Mack caused words to flow out of my mouth. "Yes, I'm fine. I'm just a bit clumsy is all." I lied and gave her a quick smile.

She just nodded her head but I saw in her eyes that she didn't quite believe me. I looked and saw Zach standing beside Mack with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face. I shiver at his presence. "Well, this is going to be a fun month isn't it princess," Zach said with a small chuckle.

I didn't respond to him. "Zach, honey, would you please show our guests to their rooms. And for heaven sakes leave the girl alone, she hasn't done anything to you." Diana said defending me. I smiled a small smile. I haven't had someone act motherly to me in a long while.

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