~Chapter 5: Bruises~

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I woke up but quickly shut my eyes due to the bright light staring down at me. After a few minutes of letting my eyes adjust to the light I took in my surroundings.

I am in a very white room and I'm currently laying on a white bed. My mind began to process everything. White bed. Hospital. My mother. My birthday. Her death day.

I shot up wanting to get out of the room as soon as possible but I quickly laid back down as my head got very dizzy and I felt as if I was going to pass out once more. Someone must have heard me because a woman opened the door and came into the room. "Good you're awake." She said in relief. Was I about to die or something? "I'm Nurse Hamilton, the school nurse."

I didn't introduce myself, assuming she already knew my name. "I heard you had a nasty encounter with a basketball today in your PE class and then you ended up passing out on the way here." She continued.

I placed my hand on my head hoping the pain would go away some time soon. "I passed out?" I asked a bit confused. I don't remember passing out.

"You don't remember?" The nurse said a bit worriedly.

I closed my eyes and tried to focus on what happened to me. Images flashed before my eyes, but I still vaguely remember the incident. I do remember being cover in water which would explain why I'm a bit cold right now. "Very vaguely. Who was I with?" I couldn't remember who had taken me to the nurse to begin with.

"Zach Holt." She said. My eyes popped out of my head. No way! "I must say he looked pretty worried when he brought you in here." A small smile appeared on her face.

No way, the way Zach acts and his reputation, there's no way in hell he was worried about me. He doesn't even know me, and he never will! "Oh, okay." I mumbled not knowing what to say after that comment.

"Here," She said handing me a bag of ice. "Put this on your head, it'll help keep the swelling go down faster." I did as she said, even though it caused my fingers to freeze. "I've also called your father."

My eyes grew wide. She called him! He's going to actually kill me. Father doesn't like coming to the school unless it's extremely important or for Mack. I'm not important to him and nor am I Mack in any way shape or form! I'm going to get the beating of a life time all right!

"Anyway," The nurse said as she turned her back to look at something. "I noticed you had a numerous number of bruises on your arms and some portions of your stomach. Care to explain why?" she turned around and finished.

"I'm a very clumsy person and tend to bruise really easily." I said coming up with a lie on the spot. I hated lying but it was the only way to protect everyone else from my horrible life. "Just the other day I bumped my hip into a wall and tumbled down the stairs a bit. That's what caused most of them to form."

Looking at me with a skeptical look on her face she didn't question me any further. Thank God because I don't know how many other lies I can come up with on the spot. There was a knock on the door and the nurse told whoever it was to come in. I focused my gaze on the floor, not wanting to see my father's angry face when he spots me.

"Nurse Hamilton, they want you in the main office." Zach's voice carried across the room. I snapped my head up and found him standing in the door way.

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