~Chapter 9: Hospitalized~

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I woke up with a bright light blaring into my eyes. A few blinks and then I realize it's the sun shining down on me. I could tell I was lying on the ground, but the question was why was I on the ground? "Oh, she's awake." I heard a familiar voice say. I wanted to look up and see who was talking but I was pushed back down on the ground when I tried to move. "Lena, are you feeling okay sweetie?" The voice said again. After a minute I finally deciphered the voice as Diana's.

"W-what happened?" I asked confused. I wanted to get up off the ground but two hands were holding me still.

"You had an incident sweetheart and an ambulance is on the way to take you to the hospital," Diana said as calmly as she could but I could detect the worry in her voice.

Hospital. My birthday. My mom. The events of that night played through my mind on repeat when she mentioned going to the hospital.

"No," I said aloud. Tears began to slip down my face. I've cried a lot these past few days and I'm surprised I have any left to cry. "I can't go to the hospital." I insisted. "I'm fine."

Someone reached over and put a hand on my shoulder which caused me to shut my eyes out of fear that it was Mack. "Lena you have to go to the hospital whether you like it or not." Zach's voice reached my ears.

"I can't go! I just can't!" I said hysterically. Not very far away I heard sirens approaching towards us. After a few moments of silence, I realized I didn't hear Mack anywhere. "Where's Mack?" I questioned out of fear. Who knows what he will do to me.

"He went inside to call your father sweetie," Diana said softly.

My father.

I didn't ask another question after that answer. I didn't make a single sound until I heard the ambulance pull up into the driveway, When I felt myself being lifted into the ambulance I panicked. "Please don't take me to the hospital!" I pleaded but the EMTs didn't budge.

"Honey I need you to stay awake for me." I heard a woman say.

"I can't go to the hospital, I just can't!" I cried. Black dots began to slowly cover my vision.

"Lena, why would you jump into the deep end of the pool if you can't swim?" The woman asked me but I didn't answer. I muttered not wanting to go to the hospital over and over again until darkness completely took me over.


I woke up to a bright light, much like the sun, staring down at me. I squeezed my eyes shut before slowly opening them again.

"Your awake!" I heard Diana's voice cry out in relief. I looked around my surrounding for the first time after waking up. In front of me stood Zach and Diana. I wasn't sure where Mack was but he wasn't in the room. I knew he had come with them.

"W-where's Mack?" I asked a bit scared.

"He's outside talking with the Doctor and your father who is he on the phone with," Diana reassured me. "He'll be back in soon."

Hearing that I wanted to blackout again. I know that when our father gets home he is going to give me the beating of a lifetime. "Sweetie do you need me to get the doctor? You are looking a little pale." Diana asked in a concerned voice.

I'm a little shocked. I haven't known these people for very long and yet they seem to be concerned about me, well Diana does anyway. Zach's emotions are a little harder to pinpoint.

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