~Chapter 1: Moving Day~

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It's been two months since that horrible event. Two months of abuse and pain. It's been twenty-four hours since my father told Mack and me that we were moving. I was a bit shocked because all our family lived in Stormy Brooks. He didn't tell us where we were moving to, all he said was to pack our bags.

I do not want to move. Some kids may be excited to go and live in a new place but to me it's terrifying. I'm leaving all my friends and family. All the places I could escape to get away from my father and Mack, are gone. I've got nowhere to hide now and none to trust.

Most people believe that an older sibling would stick up for the younger ones and help them out, but that's not the case in my house. Ever since I've been hit by my father, it seems that it gave permission for Mack to hit and torture me as well. The universe hasn't been in my favor since the day of the accident. Since she was gone forever...

Rain trickled down the window of our car as my father drove down the highway. Thunder rumbled in the clouded sky while lightening lite it up like a Christmas tree. When we pulled off the highway we passed a sign ten minutes later that said 'Welcome to West Fields'.

So, this is where we are moving. I thought to myself not daring to speak aloud where Mack or our father could hear me. After a few more minutes of driving, dad stopped the car in front of a two-story house. It was a grey house with black roofing. The windows had curtains hanging in front of them, so I couldn't get a glance at what it looked like indoors.

There was a small porch that leads to the front door. On either side of the steps was a flowerbed that looked like it's expiration date had passed a long time ago. My father turned and looked at me in the back seat. He and Mack occupied the front two seats.

"You are to take all of the boxes and bags into the house within the next thirty minutes or you will be punished do you understand Lena?" My father growled a bit at me. A small smile appeared on his face when he mentioned punishing me. I shiver at the thought but knew I couldn't escape it, not anymore.

"Yes, sir," I said stoically. Showing no emotions helped to contain my fear from him and Mack so that's why I try to do. I learned a while ago that if I talk back then the punishment will be worse, much worse.

Mack and our father shared a look before exiting the car and heading up to our new house. I sighed and got out of the car. I didn't have an umbrella so within a few minutes of standing outside I was soaked to the bone as it was raining cats and dogs outside. I popped the trunk and began to take the bags inside the house. I grab multiple at a time, so I wouldn't have to stay outside long. I only had a thirty-minute time limit anyway.

After all the bags were inside I began to work on the boxes. Some contained kitchen supplied while others had bedroom or bathroom accessories. Looking up I saw that rain wasn't going to stop any time soon and it looked like it was going to get worse. All of a sudden something covered my head preventing the rain from hitting me. An umbrella.

I spun around and came face to face with an unknown girl. She looked about my age. The girl had dark brown hair that reached down to her mid-back. Her eyes were forest green and it popped with the make-up she was wearing. Her complexion was a nice olive tone.

"Hi," She said breaking the silence between us.

"Hi?" I said but it came out more like a question. Who is this girl?

"I'm Izabella but you can call me Iza, all of my friends do." She said holding out her hand for me to shake. I put the box down I was currently holding and took her hand in mine.

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