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"So why is it that you never actually talked to me before?" she asked the boys who were concentrating on their frozen yogurts.

"Well, we just thought that..."

"You just kind of..."

"Maybe we'd..."


Mumbles came from the boys simultaneously, confusing her. So she decided to cut them off.

"It's fine, I get it boys. A lot of people don't like me. And if you feel forced to be sitting here in the food court of the town mall, spooning frozen yogurts with the school outcast, it's fine, you can leave." she smiled at them like it was no big deal.

"We just thought that we'd make a new friend, since we've been in the same class every year and we never actually talked. We didn't have anything to lose. Plus you seem really interesting, but you don't seem that confident in yourself." Mike chuckled finishing the last of his yogurt and wiggled his eyebrows, receiving nods from the boys in agreement.

"There really is nothing interesting about me." She replied to them honestly and shrugged.

"Everyone is interesting, Cathy. We want to find out what makes you interesting." Luke said to her, making gestures with his spoon.

"Pretend we're your tutors in finding your center interestingness. I'm not sure if that's a word but you get the point." Calum added.

"What do you say Cath? Wanna take some lessons on finding your true self and getting some self-confidence?" Ashton asked with a lot of enthusiasm.

"You guys are honestly weird, but all right, what's there to lose?" Cathy said a little bit unsure.

Why the hell is this happening? She thought to herself


"Guys, I thought you were trying to make me confident. Not a wannabe-princess." She said as she balanced a pile of books on her head while walking up and down the stairs of her house having the four boys constantly poking her.

"Luke's idea. His favorite movie is the Princess Diaries." Ashton said while holding back a laugh.

"Shut up." Luke complained, trying to do Anne Hathaway's voice from the movie.

"How come Luke gets to pick what we make her do first and not me?" Calum whined, since he was the one who said they were her 'tutors'.

"Because I am the queen of Genovia." Luke said in the most serious tone exactly like the one in the Princess Diaries, making everyone burst into fits of laughter and causing Cathy's pile of books to fall down, and letting her sit on the stairs to grab her stomach.

"I swear, if you are making me do anything nore stupid than this, I'm throwing you four into a toilet filled with spiders." Cathy threatened but failed, since she was laughing so hard.

"Lesson one completed, get comfortable with us." Ashton smiled, showing off his dimples while bending down to Cathy sitting on the stairs.

The other three boys were standing the same way as Ashton, their hands on their knees and facing Cathy who was sitting on the fourth step of the stairs. They were just staring at her and smiling with wide eyes.

"Guys, you're creeping me out."

How the hell are they the school heartthrobs?

Then she just stared back at them, trying to hold in her laugh and switching from one boy to another.

All of a sudden, all five of them were laughing harder than a few minutes ago. When they all calmed, Calum finally spoke up with a heavy British accent,

"TIS TIME TO FOLLOW THE ROYAL DECREES OF SIR CALUM HOOD." Then he stood and pointed toward the direction he was walking in, probably to the car.

The rest of them were weirded out by Calum's sudden actions, but then they shrugged and decided to follow him to where he went, again, laughing.

"Calum, I am not letting you drive my car." Ashton protested as Calum got the keys from his pocket.

"You left them on the table, by the way."

They rest of the group were leaning on the car and watching the exchange by the two friends.

"Calum you use my car like it's battery powered and you owe me a shitload of gas." Ashton said, annoyed as Calum slowly inserted the key into the hole and got in, not breaking eye contact with Ashton.

Groaning and agreeing, Ashton decided to give in and get in the car and so did the rest.

In a few minutes, they arrived at a nearby convenience store leaving the entire group confused.

"You had to drive to get here when it was just a fucking five minute walk? " Luke complained while getting out of the car.

"I just wanted to piss Ashton off. His angry face reminds me of rainbows and cookies." Calum chuckled and lead the way to the front of the convenience store.

"Calum if you're going to make me look like an idiot in public this time I am going to shoot you and hang you on a pipe with licorice." Cathy said through gritted teeth

"Not in public. You should know I always wanted to do this."

She looked at everyone if they had an idea on what Calum wanted to do. They all shrugged.


"I. Am. Not. Doing. This." She said trying to kick the boys off her since they were forcing her to get in the shirt they printed with the word "LIFE" on it. Of course, on top of the shirt she was wearing.

"Please Cathy? This teaches friendliness and openness and being carefree!" Michael said trying to hold her arms up as she thrashed around.

"Carefree my ass! Can I just go back to being a loser? Life is actually easier that way."

"You're not a loser. And besides, this lesson plan has no takebacks." Luke said successfully getting her head into the shirt.

"Get off me and let me put on the shirt myself. For a queen you know nothing about telling people what to do." She hit Luke playfully on the shoulder.

"Where are Calum and Ash?"

"Slicing the lemons and putting them in resealable bags." He laughed.

"I swear Calum is a genius" Mike giggled, grabbed his phone and propped on the couch.

"Shut up, he got it from the internet." Luke and Cathy chorused.

If they aren't getting married, I don't know what to do with my life anymore. Michael thought to himself and smirked.


Lol, hah when life gives you lemons I feel funny.


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