Chapter 03

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 Tonight was going to be great. I repeated that to myself as I dressed myself in my green dress and black heels. I didn't really like going out all that much but I could never resist saying yes to Simona. Simona was just too much fun and it was almost impossible to say no to her. I had almost always regretted not going with her.

Another plus was that it was only going to be the two of us. Usually some of her friends came along and were always trying to find someone for me to hook up with. I was never in the mood for that. Luckily Simona always left me alone. She knew me better than probably everyone. It was amazing how well she could read me.

I put a little bit of makeup on since I had some time. Plus I always liked wearing a nice red lipstick. The music made the whole getting ready experience almost like a party. There was something incredible about dancing with yourself. The experience was disturbed by a shrill ring.

I quickly turned off my phone before awkwardly running towards the door. As soon as I opened the door, Simona immediately went in for a hug. "You look amazing."

I laughed a little as I pulled away from the hug. "You look good too." And she did look really good. She had chosen her favorite dark blue dress. Her hair had been thoroughly straightened into a sleek and shiny black.

"I think that we should treat ourselves to the Scant tonight," she exclaimed as she walked into my apartment.

I nodded excitedly. The Scant was especially fun because it consisted of pretty good music, a lot of dancing and very few assholes. The only downside that it was rather far away but I didn't have work tomorrow anyway, so I didn't really care.

"I still need to do my eyeliner."

Simona gave me a smirk. "Or were you waiting for me to do it?"

I tapped my chin as I looked out of the corner of my eye. "Maybe."

She laughed before grabbing me and sitting me down on the couch. With graceful movements, she swiped out her eyeliner and quickly made a swift line on my upper lashline.

"All ready!" She exclaimed as she jumped up.

I laughed again as I ran after her towards the door and headed out to the club. We had decided to call a taxi because neither of us expected to be able to drive at the end of night.

Once we came to the Scant, the line was already long. Luckily it was easy for us to get in. That's the perks of being a private investigator and having helped one of the bouncers with getting them their stolen money back.

The Scant was amazing like it usually was. Simona and I ended up dancing most of the night and laughing our heads off at the horrible advances guys made at us. We took short little breaks to drink something but it was mostly about the dancing. Besides the prices of drinks were insane at the Scant.

The smile was almost on my face constantly through that whole night. As cliché as it sounded, I only really felt alive at times like these. Suddenly I felt as happy in my old life. Although I would have never done this in my old life, it gave me a rush. A rush that I really needed to keep going on.

The night ended a couple of hours later. We laughed the whole way back to my apartment recollecting the unfortunate spilled drink on Simona's dress.

When we got back home, I both got us some water as we sat down on the couch. We were too high from the evening to sleep. A calm down was needed. We both started to tell each other about anything interesting that had happened since we had seen each other last.

"I have a new regular client," Simona stated.

I frowned. Usually Simona was pretty excited about getting new regular clients, but she seemed too calm this time.

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