Chapter 15

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 Time seemed to be passing by way too slowly. It was what always happened when I was excited for something in the future. Well, it probably happened to most people. Unfortunately it also distracted me from my work. Though I wasn't the only one. Rhys also seemed not to be getting a lot of work done. He kept going to the fridge and was also looking at the clock every couple of seconds, much like I was currently doing.

Scarlet was going to arrive in a hour at the office. I hadn't seen her for a couple of months so it was high time for a visit from her. Talking over the phone just wasn't the same as talking to someone in person.

"Do you just want to go the Dunkin Donuts across the street?" I asked when I realized that I wasn't getting anything done and neither was Rhys.

Rhys jumped up. "Great idea, let's go!" I laughed at his enthusiasm and we both left to get some donuts. We ended up staying there for a good forty five minutes. It was nice to get out of the office and distract ourselves from our excitement.

Luckily Scarlet came in soon after we arrived back at the office. We couldn't really wait much long anymore.

Scarlet strode in our office with a suitcase trailing behind her. She always looked impeccable. It was partially because of her gorgeous red hair, but her fashion sense was very good as well. New York made everybody look fabulous.

Rhys was the first to jump on his feet and hug her. He nearly tripped on his way over to her. I was still laughing when Scarlet came to me and hugged me.

Unfortunately the fun and games soon ended. Scarlet always liked getting down to business, so we reviewed the important cases that we had completed and our earnings from those cases. Also we started to discuss our current cases.

It was nice to have Scarlet here in person, because she already said that she would take on some cases. The cases never seemed to be stopping after that newspaper article. We really could use all the help that we could get.

Rhys got a full blown smile on his face. "I'm so happy that you can help. We have been swamped recently. I can finally spend time with my girlfriend again."

"Girlfriend?" Scarlet asked.

I nodded. "His high school sweetheart. They got back together again."

"We just couldn't stay away from each other," he said in a very serious tone, but then he started laughing, causing us to laugh as well.

Once we had all calmed down again, Scarlet's expression turned business again. "I'm also taking on some cases, because I'm going to have to force Mallory to take a little break again."

"What?" I sputtered out.

"It's a paid for break," Scarlet said.

"Can I have it if she doesn't want it?" Rhys asked, but we both ignored him.

"Why do I need to go on a break?" I asked. I didn't want to go on a break. Although work had been hectic, I had been making a lot of headway on MapleTechs. I was just on the verge of a breakthrough. I knew it.

Scarlet sighed. "Look, I know that you've been looking into MapleTechs again. I don't really care about that, because I know that you were going to end up doing that despite my warnings," she especially stressed that last word. "But right now, there has been some intel that they know that somebody is poking around. So I'd prefer if you stay out of it for a week, okay?"

My mouth opened but no words came out. "I'll be more careful," I squeaked out.

Scarlet sighed again before shaking her head. "I don't care if you would be more careful. I just want you out of that case for awhile. It's more dangerous than you think. Besides I think that you could use a break as well.

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