Chapter 10

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"What about you?" Aria decided to ask me pulling me out of my thoughts. She looked slightly uncomfortable doing so.

I glanced at her. "What?"

"Are you fluent at Spanish?"

I blinked a couple of times to get my thoughts together again. "Oh yeah. I actually lived there for a couple of years." I had actually studied criminology there, but I definitely did not need to include that information.

"That's cool."

I nodded my head slightly. "Yeah, cool."

The conversation returned to other small talk before I decided to call it night, saying that I needed to be on time for work tomorrow. I really didn't need to be. Rhys didn't care that much. I just couldn't pretend to be interested in Aria anymore.

My interest had shifted to the implications of Flores' sudden interest in Spain.

Unsurprisingly, the first thing I looked up when I got home was when the company had started its focus on Spain. Also unsurprisingly, it was the exact same time when I had moved to Spain. It most likely was a coincidence, because Boris Flores thought I was dead. At least that's what I hoped he thought.

The next morning, I came in late. I had barely gotten any sleep the night before, so I slept in late. Rhys smirked as he noticed me. "Decided to take a lie-in?"

"Shut up," I muttered.

The smirk remained on his face, but I could also the traces of concern appear in his eyes. "So are you going to tell me what's wrong?"

"Boris Flores started to do business in Spain, the exact time I moved to Spain," I blurted out almost immediately.

Rhys groaned. "I told you to leave it alone."

I briefly glanced at him before turning my attention to one of the broken white walls. "And you thought that I was going to listen to that?"

"No," he admitted.

We were both staring at the walls now. The silence was one of those comfortable ones. We were both too deep into our thoughts to notice that it was surrounding us at all.

"You know that doesn't have to mean anything right."

I sighed. "I know, but."

Rhys cut me off. "Yeah, I know too." The silence returned into the room without us noticing it again.

"Have you told Scarlet yet?"

I shook my head. "No, I haven't. There is not much that she could do with anyway."

"I'll tell her," Rhys decided for me. He then immediately called Scarlet, so that I couldn't protest. Just like I had thought, there wasn't much that Scarlet could do with that information. After all, it didn't mean anything.

I distracted myself by throwing myself into the cases. Rhys seemed to do the same thing as me. We didn't speak of Boris Flores for the rest of the day. I also decided to not think about it for awhile. It made me way too nervous.

My attention was returned to him when Scarlet let us know that the police had stopped investigating us and we were in the clear. It seemed like Boris Flores hadn't found anything interesting about us.

It made me feel safer. Maybe it was a coincidence that he had gotten a sudden interest in Spain. I was probably being paranoid.

With those thoughts, I decided that it was time to meet up with Aria again. I didn't really want to meet up with her, but I needed information on him. Coincidences weren't going to put him in jail and return me home. I needed hard concrete evidence. I needed to have drinks with Aria again.

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