Chapter 05

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 The Boris Flores case had made start to think too much about my past. Before I managed to push everything down, but now I kept thinking that I was so close to finding out who had nearly killed me that I couldn't help but think about my past. If that person was caught and imprisoned, I could go back to my old life. A life, that hadn't been mine, for about three and half years. I really wanted to go back.

Perhaps since I was thinking so much about my past, it might have been the reason why I easily identified somebody that used to be part of my old life. Or it could have been for the fact that he was wearing a familiar red tattoo in the form of an eye on his bicep that I was staring at it. It probably was because of that.

"So why exactly do you want us to find this woman, Mr..." Rhys trailed off because his last name was a little bit too difficult to pronounce for us Americans.

"Mr Gniewek," the man muttered. My eye was still firmly focused on his red eye. "This woman was once my fiancee. I let her go because I was stupid and now I want to say sorry to her but I don't where I can find her." 

"We could probably find her. Do you have her name?"

The man nodded, handing some papers to Rhys. "Yes, her name is Emma Smith, I believe. I'm also quite sure that she lives in Seattle or somewhere in the surrounding area." We both frowned at that statement. "And this is picture of her," he continued ignoring our expressions.

The picture was of a woman with dark blonde hair and blue eyes standing in front of a pale yellow house, probably her house. She honestly looked pretty generic, but she would be easy to find. Not that I was going to tell Mr Gniewek that information.

Rhys started to explain our prices to Mr Gniewek while I stared intently at the tattoo to make sure that it wasn't a fake or I was imagining things but I knew for a fact that the tattoo was real.

As he stood up to leave, I decided to ask a question to make sure. "The tattoo that you have looks nice. Where did you get it done?"

Mr. Gniewek looked at me with narrowed eyes for a few moments but I kept a smile plastered on my face. His eyes softened and the ends of his lips curled up in a smile. "In Chicago, but I'm sure that you would want another design anyway."

I nodded. "Probably."

Mr Gniewek looked me over for a few seconds before he returned his attention to Rhys. "Please find her. I'd really like to tell her."

Rhys was in front of me as soon as Mr Gniewek had left our office. His arms were crossed and his lips were turned into his amused smile. "Since when are you interested in tattoos?"

"I've always been interested in tattoos in the form of a red eye," I said while I walked back to my desk to start my work.

Rhys shook his head but threw all the pictures and information that Mr Gniewek gave us to me. "If you're interested in tattoos, you wouldn't mind handling this case. I'm way too swamped with the adoption case."

I nodded. "Yeah no problem." It really was no problem. Besides I didn't want Rhys involved with a Red Dead Eye member. Honestly I didn't even want to deal with a Red Dead Eye member. They were too dangerous, but Rhys didn't even know of their existence.

I was well aware that Mr Gniewek was not looking for his ex-fiancee. I was also confident that Emma Smith was most likely hiding from Mr Gniewek. She most likely had some important state secrets that the Red Dead Eye members wanted and she had to go into hiding. I would find her and warn her, but there was no way that I would tell Mr Gniewek where she was.

Mr Gniewek would be gone from the face of the earth when I was done with him. Although I didn't know how to do it. My brother had always made sure that I would never have to get involved in the Razor Company. It was a somewhat illegal company specialized in tracking down Red Dead Eye members and getting rid of every single one. Although I was pretty sure that the government was aware of their existence and allowed their operations to continue.

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