Chapter 07

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 When someone mentioned something about the future to me, I generally assumed that it was a far away future. A future that would at least be one year away from the current time. A future in which the conversation that the future was mentioned in had already long drifted from my mind. It was a future that I wouldn't really think about at that moment.

See, it was this thought that I also had when a favor could be expected to be asked of me in the future. I assumed that it would be a favor that would be asked in a year or maybe even never. So the call from Mason Walls one week after he called me to inform me of Mr Gniewek's disposal certainly surprised me.

"Mason?" I asked with a slightly higher pitched tone than usual. It was a Saturday night. I had been reading a book in the dim light of my living room.

"Yes, it's Mason. You know that favor I was going to ask you."

My slumped up position suddenly changed very quickly. "Yeah, I do." I didn't really elaborate. I didn't really want to do his favor now. Actually I hoped that I would never have to help with him something.

"Good," Mason continued. "Well, there is situation. See, Alex is working as a police officer now."

"I know," I cut him off. Of course, I knew what Nathan's brother was doing. Just like I knew what Nathan was doing and what my brother was doing.

"Well, that makes this easier. He is currently suspended until further notice, because some things have been coming up about his past."

I swallowed. "The Razor company past?" I sincerely hoped not. I had been pleased to hear that Alex had gotten away from the Razor company just as Nathan had. It hadn't been good for them and neither had been happy with it.

"No, no," Mason told me. "See, things about a drug past have been coming up."

I sputtered slightly. If anyone had seen me, I knew that I must have looked ridiculous. "Alex?! A drug past?!" I exclaimed. If there was anyone that was not likely to have a drug past, it was Alex. Although he was a big drinker, he despised drugs with good reason.

"I know that's the strange thing, right? And that's why I need your help. I need you to find out where this information is coming from since the police view it as a trustworthy source. I don't want Alex to lose his job over this and lose future opportunities or even end up in prison."

"I wouldn't either."

"So we have come to an agreement."

I dug my nails into the blue cushions of my couch. No indents were made. "I guess we have, but he cannot find out that I'm alive. I hope you understand that."

"Of course, I will send everything that I have for you tomorrow."


Nothing else was said because Mason had hung up. I shook my head with a slight smile before grabbing my book. It was impossible for me to focus on the book so I ended watching reality tv, because that was always easy to understand. Even when I had to think about something big like helping Alex. So I just ended up staring at a show about teens going wild in some beach resort for the rest of the night.

When the information about Alex came the next day, it turned out to be very interesting to say the least. It turned out that a trusted and reputable source had made a report about Alex at the police here in Seattle  a couple of days ago. That was weird considering Alex worked in Nevada which is nowhere Seattle.

"Hey Rhys, do you owe me any favors?" I asked.

He turned to look at me with a smirk. He pretended to think tapping his finger on his chin. "No, I believe that we're currently even."

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