Chapter 08

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The call had been ended by the other party but Rhys turned to look at me. I pretended to play dumb. It seemed like the best tactic.

"What was that?"

I frowned. "A phone call."

Rhys let out an exasperated sigh. "I mean the good luck on your kill part."

"Oh," I pretended to be suddenly reminded of that fact. "That's something Harry just always says. He is a sports recruiter and apparently that phrase is really popular in that world."

Rhys blinked. "Oh, I didn't know that."

I didn't know that either.

I sighed as I sat down my desk. Rhys gave me a pitying look. "You know that you're going to have to tell your friend that his dad is a jackass."

"I think that he already knows that, just not that he is a major jackass."

I did try to work on some of our other cases that afternoon to get my mind of everything, but in the back of my mind I was constantly thinking of ways to tell Alex the news through Mason. Obviously I wasn't going to tell him myself.

It was one of the unfortunate things of being a private investigator. Often times, there was information that I really didn't want to tell to that person. They would be better off without it, but sometimes I couldn't not tell them. Generally I tried to avoid telling them horrible news if I could, but it was not always avoidable.

Still I couldn't imagine myself doing anything else. Even if I needed to tell one of my best friends that his dad was even more of a major jerk than he thought that he was.

But perhaps I didn't need to tell him that his dad was a jerk.

I smiled when I made that realization in the elevator of my apartment complex. The older man standing next to me gave me a smile back.

Although I had a strict rule of not doing work at home, I couldn't avoid it this time. I needed to solve this problem as soon as possible. Alex's future was in severe jeopardy and I had the power to solve it.

I had completed the first step of my plan that night.

It was the most important step of that plan. I couldn't wipe the smile of my face that day.

The confirmation that my plan was working out occurred through a phone call from Mason Walls.

"Did you have anything to do with Harry's arrest?" Mason asked.

I smiled. "I might have."

Mason sighed. "I hope that you know what you're doing. You do realize that he is one of the best and I just lost one of them."

Definitely did not care about that. "I'm aware."

"So you have a good reason?"

"He is trying to put his son in prison and get him to join the Razor company again. You know the life where Alex was really miserable. So I put him in prison." If phones still had cords, I would probably have been twirling it with my finger.

"You still need to help Alex and this isn't going to help him. He'll be upset that his dad is in prison and try to get him out. I hope that you're aware of that."

Of course I was aware of that. My plans were generally always well thought through, especially the ones about getting loved ones' loved ones in prison. "I know. I'm fixing Alex's situation. He'll be back on the force in no time."

"Very well."

"But please tell Alex that he shouldn't help get his father out of prison. Tell him that he did something unforgivable to the Razor company and he no longer gets their protection."

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