Chapter 09

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 I would have liked to have said that the morning felt strange. Like something bad was going to happen. I wished that I could say that there was a certain mood hanging in the air, but this was definitely not the case. In fact, the morning had started out great. There was a high surrounding me since I had gotten the letter. Everything felt great. So no, the morning didn't feel strange at all. It was just a regular, perhaps slightly happier, morning.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!" Rhys exclaimed as he stomped into our office.

I looked up surprised. "Good morning to you, too."

He glared at me before grabbing a seat and throwing it in front of my desk. He plopped on it. "We have a problem."

I frowned. A somewhat sarcastic comment was on the tip of my tongue, but I knew it wasn't too appropriate. Besides, I was curious as to what was going on. The morning had been going great. "What kind of problem?"

"The police is looking into our agency."

The frown deepened. A shudder passed through my body when I realised that we would have to deal with Langley. "Why would they be looking into us?" I asked, even though I could think of a number of reasons. We didn't do everything exactly legally.

"Boris Flores."

The name made a smile nearly appear on my face, but the implications had sunk into quickly before my mouth could go through with that action. "Why is he looking into us?"

Rhys shrugged. "I don't know. I really don't know. I'm not even supposed to know that the police is looking into our agency, but Scarlet told me."

I watched my nails dig into my fingers, making painful-looking red welts. "What do you think that he knows?"

Rhys sighed, leaning back into the chair. His eyes locked on mine. "I don't know what exactly he knows, but I can guess that he knows that we are looking into his agency. He must have gotten nervous and now he is trying to find dirt on us."

"But there is nothing that he can find, right?" I asked.

Rhys nodded. "Scarlet said that everything is covered up."

"That's good, at least."

"But he can still find certain things out," he gave me a pointed look. "I don't know what exactly happened to you, but I suspect that he can't know that you're alive, right?"

I nodded my head slightly. "I don't think that he knows how I look like and my name has been changed. Besides he thinks that I'm dead, so he shouldn't suspect me."

"Still I think it's better if you try to stay low for awhile. Just do your regular cases and don't try to do anything with the police or MapleTechs, okay?"

I nodded my head in consent.

Inside my mind, I was shaking my head. There was no way that I wasn't going to look into MapleTechs now. I had honestly forgotten about them because of the events of the last few weeks, but now I was reminded of it again.

If Boris Flores was getting nervous, there must have been something that he didn't want us to find about. I didn't know what it was yet, but I would find out. Hopefully it would be the proof that he was involved with the plane crash and the threatening notes. Maybe I would finally be able to go home.

But luckily Rhys didn't know what I was thinking about, so he let me continue on with one of the many cases that we had. I did go on with the cases, but I was also thinking about ways to find more information on Boris Flores.

I had already had one insider, but Simona was not close enough yet to find anything useful about Boris Flores. So maybe I had to look for someone else. Someone that was close enough, but wasn't too close.

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