10 - im not okay

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Coles pov
As I walk down the alley way to meet my dealer he was dressed in black, probably so nobody could see him and rat him out.
"You got the money?" He asked me.
"Yes, you got the stuff" I said to him whilst handing over the money.
"of course I've got the stuff man" he said whilst snickering. I just wanted to get my shit and leave.
"Cole can I asked you something, why do you use" he said curiously.
"To forget, I've tried alcohol and it's not enough, and this is the only thing that works 100%"I said quickly.
"Okay that's fair, I just like to no my coustemers abit more, I mean I am ruining lives" he said. I didn't no what to say, so I just nodded at him.
"Alright bud gotta go, another customer around the block" he said.
"See you man" I said. I walked back around the alley way home I couldn't wait to forget properly, I'm to sad these days I hate my life.
I eventually got home to see Kat sitting there, fuck I can't be bothered anymore I'm over it I don't feel like talking.
"Cole" she said softly
"What Kat, I already told you this, I hate you, I'm over your shit" i yelled. Call me harsh or whatever but I'm not okay myself so why should I bother helping others.
"Cole please, I'm here for you" she said, tears pouring down her face.
"No Kat just fuck off" I said and walked off.
"Dylan's coming" she said softly. I just turned to look at her and just break down crying.
"Kat I'm not okay." I said, her pulling me into a hug.
"I know Cole, it will be okay" she said softly, she felt the drugs in my pocket.
"Why cole, please don't I love you" she said with passion and tears. Hearing those words I love you Cole, caused me to push her off of me and walked away.

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