1 - fun

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Coles pov
I woke up this morning to be greeted by my alcoholic father raiding the cupboard with a bottle in his hand.
"Son is that youuu" he slurred god he's annoying.
"Yes dad it's me what the fuck do you want now" I said in a pissed off.
"Don't you dare talk to me like that ever again" he slurred at me once again.
I stormed out of the house, I hated him he ruins everything good in my life not that there is anything good anyway. My mum fucked off when I was 12 she left me here with him, she was selfish and I hate her for that. I can't even stay at my house 90% of the time as it's unsafe my dad steals my hard earned money. As soon as I got outside I lit up a cigarette, the warm burning sensation you get from them calms me. I casually walked down the street smoking my life away, and then I saw her, she was gorgeous like no girl I'd ever seen before, she had long brown hair with brown eyes and tan skin. She looked at me, she caught me staring, I quickly sped off to avoid anymore awkwardness until I heard a,
"Hey" from the mystery girl behind me, I froze instantly.
"Uh yeh um hi-i-i" I said shakily and I turned around to face her, fuck she was beautiful.
"Hey I'm Kat" she said whilst putting her hand out for me to shake.
"Uhm hi Kat, I'm Cole" I said whilst talking her hand.
"Well Cole nice to meet you" she stated.
"Likewise" I replied.
"So Cole, wanna go have some fun?" She asked me slyly.
Fun, fun? What could she possibly mean by fun?
"Sure let's go" I said with no regrets, I don't care what I do or what happens to me and neither do my parents so what have I got to loose anyway.

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