Kats pov
I woke up in Coles arms.
"what on earth"I said to myself quietly. His grip around my waist was tight, I eventually pulled out of it.
"Morning Kat" he said in that sexy raspy morning voice guys do.
"hey" I said, my head was in agony.
"Your head hurt aswell?" He asked me still half asleep.
"for sure, now tell me what happened last night" I questioned him.
"We drank, smoked, hooked up abit and that's all I remember" he said casually.
"Right" I replied simply whilst huffing.
"So um are we - he was cut off by his dad slamming the door just as I was about to ask him his feelings about me. I didn't no anything about Coles family, probably because we have known each other for a couple weeks.
"Cole get your ass down here you lazy shit" his father yelled. wow what the fuck.
"Fuck sake, I'm so sorry babe but your gonna have to leave through the window is that okay?, I no it's not ideal but it's not safe when he's home. I'll come around soon though okay?" He said to me.
"Okay, will you be safe?" I asked worriedly I don't want to see him hurt.
"Of course baby" he said. He then placed a soft small kiss on my lips and he left the room as I climbed through the window.3 months later
I went to go see Cole again today, things between us have been great, never could I have imagined myself feeling so happy around someone. I walked out of my house not caring about my mother who steals my money for her gambolling addiction, I wanted nothing to do with her anymore. I arrived at Coles place I opened the door and walked straight in, I never knock because he's to lazy to come open the door for me.
"Cole you home" I yelled out.
"Up here" he yelled back.
I walked up the creaky stairs he was in his room playing Xbox, of course classic Cole.
"Hey" I said. He didn't say anything he just handed me the player 2 remote and we continued playing. Coles x box started glitching as per usual and he threw the remote at the to screen.
"Piece of fucking shit" he yelled at the Xbox
"Let's go for a walk" I suggested, changing the subject. He once again didn't say anything, he just got straight up and walked out of the house, with me following him. We walked the streets in dead silence for 20 minutes, until I decided to break the ice.
"Your awfully quite" I stated.
He just scoffed.
"Are you okay" I asked him, concern apparent in my voice.
"Far from it" he replied.
"Talk to me Cole" I said worried.
"I can't do this anymore Kat" he said simply.
"Do w what?" I asked him, my voice shaky.
"This. Us. You. Me" he said angrily.

broken boy meets broken girl - C.S
Fanfic"You brought out the best of me Cole" "But also the worst in me"