Chapter 8

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"Nevaeh, Isaac! Time to get up!" Chris yelled from downstairs, I rolled over in my bed growling softly.
"Nevaeh!!" I heard again, "Don't you dare go back to sleep, you are headed back to Beacon Hills today remember? Now up, get dressed, get packed, we are headed to Emily's for breakfast a 6 and then off to the school to leave at 7!"
I groaned, climbing out of bed. It is far too early for this... I slipped on my that I had picked out last night and grabbed my batman bag, which held my lacrosse jersey and spare clothes, before walking downstairs.

Downstairs I saw Isaac dressed in sweatpants and his old Beacon Hills Lacrosse hoodie ready to leave and Argent drinking a coffee.

"Let's go." I growled walking out the house, eager for food from Emily.


Arriving at Emily's I immediately ran inside, racing straight to the table with Isaac close behind me, "Hey guys," I mumbled my mouth already stuffed with food, Isaac nodding his head, copying my actions, I received a few grunts through mouthfuls of food.

After about 10mins Sam cleared his throat, "Don't you guy's have a bus to catch?" he asked, "Or a Lacrosse game to get too?" he furthered pestered.

I looked at my phone and realized he was right, "Let's go people," I ordered, "this is mine and Isaac's home town, we need to kick some arse here." I rallied up the guys, hugging Emily and Sam quickly before rushing out the door.

This was sure to be an interesting trip, most of the pack made up the team, Paul, Jared, Jacob, Embry, Quil, Leah, Isaac, Seth, Me, Brady, and Colin. All crammed onto one bus together... talk about an interesting drive.

Once we got to the school, we had to get straight on the the bus, no time for toilet breaks, or talking, man Coach was a lot like his brother, freakishly so...

Any way the bus ride was pretty chill, Coach said me and Isaac could stay with my brother if we wanted, due to us having just moved, so us and the pack decided to split up between Derek's place, Peter's apartment, the Stilinski's, and the McCall's, there should be plenty of space theoretically.

So it looks like it'll be

Derek's place - Derek, Braeden, Me, Paul, Jared

Peter's place - Cora, Seth, Leah

Scott's place - Jacob, Embry, Quil

Stiles's place - Stiles, Sheriff S, Brady, Colin, Isaac

Which should work well, well not so much for Leah and Seth, but they offered so can't complain.

I can't believe I'm headed home, only for a few days, but it's worth it to meet Derek's mate, and him mine. Hopefully, Jared,Jacob and Quil are okay without there imprints for the few days, I know I wouldn't be okay without Paul by my side.

I looked over at Paul to see him laughing with the rest of the guys. Ohmygods, he caught me staring, abort mission!!



Heyy guys,

Wanted to apologize for the massive break I took in writing, I lost my motivation but am trying to get back into it and see where I go.... thank you for all the support you guys are absolutely amazing!

Thank you..

I'm thinking about putting a question at the end of each chapter from now on so I can get to know you guys a bit better..

So let's try it out starting here

What part of the world is everyone from?

I'm Australian.. so looking forward to hearing where everyone else is from... xx

Shifter vs Werewolf (teen wolf[a new Hale]/ twilight[Paul Lahote] crossover)Where stories live. Discover now